Dave Woodward for president

I’ve sent the notice to this president and some of the directors that I have nominated Dave Woodward for president.

The by-laws are silent on who may nominate individuals. That has to be interpreted as meaning anyone can nominate a candidate. However, the by-laws are very clear about who will elect the president, namely, the Board of Directors.

As a past director and a active member I am nominating Dave Woodward for president
Dave Woodward for President

I’ve sent the notice to this president and some of the directors that I have nominated Dave Woodward for president.

The by-laws are silent on who may nominate individuals. That has to be interpreted as meaning anyone can nominate a candidate. However, the by-laws are very clear about who will elect the president, namely, the Board of Directors.

As a past director and a active member I am nominating Dave Woodward for president

If I had a Vote I would Vote for Dave, in a heartbeat.
Dave Woodward for President

I think Dave would make an Outstanding President of the NBRSA.
He would get my vote.