Dangerous Gun?



A friend of mine [deputy sheriff] just had a 308 sniper rifle built on Rem 700 action. Gun arrives,bolt won,t close. Appears the front of the locking lugs and outside diameter of bolt are rubbing on barrel recess. He calls the builder,the guy says squirt some oil down there and beat on the bolt,well now it closes. Breech of barrel looks galled, no chamfers, and how do you headspace a gun with the bolt binding. I've always left .005 over on dia. & .010 clearance on length. Please chime in so I'm not the bad guy.Thanks,Mike
Your not a bad guy!!!

hahah...but your buddy the cop has a BAD gunsmith---no wait ...that aint a gunsmith ...that is a metal butcher....
You are asking this ??? on Benchrest dot com....we are used to using-shooting actions that close like the works of art they are...
I like the line ..."just squirt a lil' oil on it" ....!!!!!!! where do these people come from....and use a bigger hammer...wowowo......and this is a 'sniper gun" ....shure hope the bad guy doesnt shoot bak....Roger
Check one thing for me. Back the front guard screw out a couple of turns and see if anything changes. Even if that fixes it, the guy is still an idiot.

The word Moron comes to mind and I do not mean your friend. I wonder how big a hammer this so called gunsmith used to get bolt to close on go gauge.
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hahah...but your buddy the cop has a BAD gunsmith---no wait ...that aint a gunsmith ...that is a metal butcher....
You are asking this ??? on Benchrest dot com....we are used to using-shooting actions that close like the works of art they are...
I like the line ..."just squirt a lil' oil on it" ....!!!!!!! where do these people come from....and use a bigger hammer...wowowo......and this is a 'sniper gun" ....shure hope the bad guy doesnt shoot bak....Roger
+11 on that.
What Dave said

Check one thing for me. Back the front guard screw out a couple of turns and see if anything changes. Even if that fixes it, the guy is still an idiot.


Back out that front screw and as Dog's Elvis mentioned compare the bolt/action numbers.

If the screw is too long it will get into the lugs on the bolt. Not an uncommon occurrence.

Don't shoot this rifle until the problem is found, corrected and the headspace is verified. You know that but saying it didn't cost us much. Kinda like printing "Keep Refirgerated" on a stick of butter.
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Do something for your fellow man. Spread the word far and wide about the butcher, what he did and his suggested fix. Add to that what the problem was and how it was remedied.
That person needs to get into another field, quickly.
the guy who built it's a retard

nuff said


I do hope that you will issue an immediate apology to all retarded people for this slur on their character and abilities. :eek::D:D

The "gunsmith" who "built" this travesty should have it inserted sideways where the sun don't shine IMHO. When he extracts it he can then check it over and figure out what he did wrong. If he can extract it.
The base screw and the front action screw are both possible culprits .......... good answers all, BUT, the guy is still not supposed to tell you to "squirt some oil in and hammer it closed!!!"

Since YOU seem to understand the requirements LeahciM (NICE Irish handle that!) why don't you take the scope off and the front screw out and see if the necesary clearances DO exist inside? Cuz if the lugs are butting the barrel or the head of the bolt is bound in the counter bore it ain't gonna' "snipe" worth a hilla'beans......no, probably not dangerous, just stupid. The implication is there though......if it got out of his shop this way, HOW do you KNOW if the counterbore's right? Do you have a depth mic? The casehead may well be unsupported. Plus you said it looks as though the counterbore diameter is too small for the bolt head......?.....could be from one of the screws, BUT.

I don't know if I'd dare to let him fix it.

Did the owner install a scope on it after he received the rifle from the gunsmith. If he did the screws holding the scope bases to the action may be to long and if they are they can be ground shorter so the bolt does not come in contact with them. This could solve the problem. :)

"Aim small miss small", :D

Retard and moron, while not politically correct in these enlightened times, seem to be appropriate in this case. Everybody knows you use grease (lard is good), not oil.
I've read a couple of books on snipers and sniping and they don't mention pounding the bolt closed. Might be a trade secret. Regards, Bill
ok so maybe my choice of "retard" was a poor one.........I hadn't heard it used since about 1975 so I thought it was funny :)

I'll amend my stance, the guys a PETARD ok?

now that's funnier........ :D


Welllllllllll....what wus it???

Your buddy shurely knows by now!!!! If I was a police sniper and had paid lots-0-buks for a top flite gunsmihin job ...and it was this botched up....I wulda cheked the serial ### and stuk my fat lil' finger in there and seen ifn the bolts/screws were hittin the bolt lugs....BY NOW
What was it just a bumbling packing clerk putting the wrong bolt in the wrong gun ,,,,,,or was it truely improper,inaccurate,incompetent gun work..??? BIG difference....simple mistake or gross incompetence?? Please let us know...Roger
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But Roger, we're forgetting one eeeensy-teeeensy detail........the guy said, and I quote "squirt some oil down there and beat on the bolt."

Now THAT ain't going away!
