Dan Wesson misfiring.


oft dis'd member

Anybody here spent time with the Dan Wesson 44Mag? I've got one in which has about .014 cylinder endplay and the firing pin protrusion is minimal, it's misfiring. The endplay is set by a small metal "washer" between the cylinder and hinge.

Any ideas?

I like to keep my head space down to a maximum of .010" on most revolvers and really like it to be less than .008". What is yours running now on head space? I like to shoot for no more than .002" on endplay and a total head space like I said of around .010".

I would suggest that you solve the endplay first and then remeasure your head space. I would imagine that you are running somewhere in the neighborhood of around .016-.018" of total head space now the way it is. Once you get the endplay problem solved I would imagine you are in the ballpark on head space and the misfires should be solved, but you may need to check the firing pin protrusion, it may be too short and need replacing.
What do you have for cyl. to barrel clearance with that much endplay in the cyl.? I'll check mine when I get home.

Many years ago I ad a Dan Wesson .357 that would mis-fire. It was a timing problem that drove me nuts. I found myself unable to put trust (and my life) in a gun that was so unreliable.
I sold the piece of crap to a friend that was okay with sending it into the factory for repair. Don't know if the problem was ever fixed or not. I bought a 4" Smith & Wesson model 19 with target hammer, target trigger, target stocks and adjustable sights. That was one sweet shooting gun!

Many years ago I ad a Dan Wesson .357 that would mis-fire. It was a timing problem that drove me nuts. I found myself unable to put trust (and my life) in a gun that was so unreliable.
I sold the piece of crap to a friend that was okay with sending it into the factory for repair. Don't know if the problem was ever fixed or not. I bought a 4" Smith & Wesson model 19 with target hammer, target trigger, target stocks and adjustable sights. That was one sweet shooting gun!

Countryboy and RAG, Thanks for getting me to actually MEASURE instead of eyeballing and saying "looks OK".....

I ran the measurements and couldn't find the problem......

"Headspace" or clearance at the casehead, .009, right in spec IMO (I could "tighten it" by running the barrel back but it clears at .009, no rubbing.) The endplay noted when the cylinder was out is under spring tension and not a problem, Just the only way to adjust the headspace. (Up until now I'd just held 'er up to the light and said "Looks to be alright :rolleyes: ) Anyway, no need, headspace is indeed "all right"...

Firing pin protrusion, .037, plenty.

Mark My Man, you're a frickin' GENIUS and you can tell your ol' lady I said that!

I haven't fired it. I took the friends word for it. Both handloads and two brands if factory loads were misfiring..... Soooo, thanks to MARK I finally looked into the boxes at the fired ammo..... (DUHH!! ) and EVERY ROUND is is marked very visibly off center. Firing indentation is very deep and crisp, just 'wayyy over to the side of the cup.

Guess I'll be firing it tomorrow and probably retiming.

Thank you Van Beek..... now I've got something to go on.


From one "oft dis't member" to another, glad to be of service!

I really did like my Dan wesson, but the frustration got the best of me.