CZ 550 action


Gary Gruber
Has anyone worked with a CZ 550 action? I am planning on building a 404 Jeffrey with one and would like to know if there is anything I should look out for.
Reasonably robust the medium and heavy 550's, just a naff trigger.
I`ve got a commercial mauser ( 98? )....Santa Barbera in the white,never fired...???...had it for years....probably never will need it....that would work............??????????
Has anyone worked with a CZ 550 action? I am planning on building a 404 Jeffrey with one and would like to know if there is anything I should look out for.

My 458 Lott on a CZ550.

I used a Timney trigger. I did have to lap the body to the receiver. It wasn't smooth, but it is now. A very good mauser type action for much less than a mauser that needs a bunch of mods to make it suitable for the 404 Jerrery.
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My 458 Lott on a CZ550.

I used a Timney trigger. I did have to lap the body to the receiver. It wasn't smooth, but it is now. A very good mauser type action for much less than a mauser that needs a bunch of mods to make it suitable for the 404 Jerrery.

Just curious. Why did you choose such a short sight radius for the open sights? I am building mine principally for open sight use and will probably but the rear sight back a bit more than yours.
If I miss with the scope, a sight on the rear that is forward is easier for my old eyes to pick up.

I'm 65 and have been actively competing in tactical handgun for around 13 years. i am mildly near sighted (about 1.75 correction) and for the first 5 or 6 years i did about average shooting. it wasn't until I took my glasses OFF that I could actually see the front sight for the first time and my scores started to increase dramatically.

Since then I shoot with non prescription lenses for all iron sight competition, and only switch to my tri-focals when I am shooting a scope or red dot.