Custom barrel work ?



Looking for a smith to convert a gun for me . Want a Valmet over under converted from a 12 gauge over 30-06 to a 22Lr over 30-06 . Want 12 gauge barrel removed and 22lr barrel installed . Want accuracy and good looking work .

Thanks , aintright
My thought is

you won't get great accuracy. Inch to 1 3/4" @50yards. One little thing that might just hamper accuracy, is that barrel hanger out on the end. The scope will be sighted for one or the other barrel. Meaning the Twenty would be the dominate barrel. The 30.06' would be Regulated close.

Great barrels are free floated. If you found the right Gunsmith. He or she might be able to drop a tube in that Twelve barrel. Just like Brilley's or Kolar tube's. A offset firing pin to tap the rim. I'm thinking that your gun has a removable firing pin bushing. I don't like barrel bores that are offset, now you have to bend it back to center??? Maybe...

Will, I have a real good Idea on how I would do it.
Off to the gunclub. Meetings or B.S. seminar.:eek:
Easier and more versatile is to add a .22 lr barrel insert to the existing 12 ga. barrel. These devices used to be common accessories in Europe to round out the capabilities of German drillings and combination guns. Although there may be several makers, the main manufacturer I remember was Kreighoff of Ulm, West Germany.

I once copied their design and made one for myself to fit a drilling that I own. The beauty of such a device is that it immediately installs in a shotgun barrel, uses the shotgun firing pin to hit the rimfire rim, and it can be individually regulated to the same point of aim as the other barrel (which allows you to use the other barrels' sights). If you don't need the .22, but would like the 12 gauge, a simple allen wrench will remove the insert. The whole device fits in your game pocket, so you can choose in the field whether to install it or not depending on the circumstances.

Such devices are not cheap if you can find them, but if you are a journeyman machinist with some time (40-50 hours) on your hands, making one is a possibility. However, to put things in perspective, you are looking at a challenge to find or make such a things (I won't sell mine). Still, this would be cheaper and better than rebuilding a Valmet in my opinion. I think there are other insert barrels with more permanent fitting and possibly with better ballistics and lower cost, and you might search them out.

Thanks for the advice . How much would an insert wiegh ? Barrel length ? Accuracy ? I generally use Eley or Wolf for hunting .
The 06 barrel will shoot MOA with 180gr fodder , sometimes with a nice clover leaf . So I wouldn,t be expecting match grade accuracy , but would , like to see .5" 50 yd accuracy . Would this be expecting too much ?
This is my favorite gun for hunting , but have gotten away from shotgunning small game and thought this would make a perfrect all round hunting gun .
Ball park figure on this ?
Thank you , Kenneth

Insert barrels of the type I described in my earlier post weight just a half pound or so. Other insert barrels may weight more. About $5-600 would be needed to buy a commercial model, but this is just my estimate from past experience. Understand that some modification to the existing shotgun chamber needs to be made also (a notch cut in the chamber rim to index radial placement of the insert)

The barrel length is about 8 inches, so it performs more like a pistol than a rifle. Sad to say that .5" fifty yard groups would be tough to do with any insert. An inch to inch and a half at fifty might be possible if everything is adjusted right.

Your requirements are hard to meet. A combination gun with .22 lr and 30-06 might be available on special order from the factory and that would be cheaper than trying to modify your existing gun. The two barrels would probably not shoot to the same point of aim and would require separate sights, although the Valmet makes some provisions for this. To do what you ask on an existing gun is very labor intensive and there is no way to really guarantee the accuracy results.

This is not to say that you could not have your current gun modified, but you are looking at many $thousands to have this work done. If you have that kind of money, better to find a nice used drilling or Vierling with lots of barrel variety and use that.

Sorry for my delay in responding, but I was up in Canada chasing the wild smallmouth bass for a week..


Find someone who could make a full length insert,

Full size at the chamber, turned down barely over liner diameter for the length, threaded at the end...
on the end have a "washer" with an o-ring groove, if you really want to get fancy offset the threaded center of this "washer" so that you could regulate the point of impact by simply turning the washer one way or the other
the fit of the o-ring to the choke area of the bore would allow an almost freefloat type situation. As far as accuracy was concerned I would not accept 1 3/4" groups at 50yds unless that was offhand.
Envy that you can discuss about your own gun

I like guns, especially handguns, but there are not allow personal possession of firearmsaren in China, , so i envy that you can have your own guns, and to explore how to improve it in the the accuracy, silencers, maintenance, improvement and so on, perhaps in the future I can have my own guns , even if it is a poor gun......

jimmy len
Thank you all for your advise and links . I'll contact Mace and see what they have to say about thier products as far as accuracy goes . Also might give Valmet a call . This is a project I intend to pursue unless I see it to be a totally unfeasable order .