Cuomo's gotta go !!!

R. Rains

New member

Was chanted VERY LOUDLY and VERY PROUDLY at the Albany Capital yesterday by Thousands if not Tens of Thousands of Patriots.
Watch out it may happen to you too.
Colorado has a problem too and some other states that have democrtic govenors.
Its the Dems platform to do away with your God give rights.
They are not just legislative rights but the human rights of survival, that all of us have.
R. Rains Yes I was there and talked to Patty Ritchie and Will Barclay and both of them figured a most we could maybe get this amended. Bob are you from the Oswego Area? Every time I see things on TV. our Government keeps getting bigger. If we don't stop it we are all done.

Joe Salt
Progress on a "repeal"

Read: Affadavit

Since the process, IIRC… requires the State to be notified before a claim can be made, the above is the first step.

See also: Class action lawsuit against SAFE Act |

Evidently the judge (on pg. 7 @ post #163) has directed the state and the Governor to present arguments…

The Hon. Deborah Chimes has signed an order against the State of New York and Governor Andrew Cuomo requiring Respondents to appear before the court on April 29th and provide good cause and reasons why the State should not be enjoined from enforcing any pnovision of the assault weapons ban.

Interesting times we live in. Andy can prolly forget running for Prez in 2016.
Ammend my butt. Time to file an injunction . If they start modifying the bill it still will be ble to be remodifyed in the future,
STIRPE won't move {HE NEEDS TO GO WITH CUOMO. Velesky Just wants to modify it like a watered down bill, that won't do either.
It has to be abolished. A bad law is a bad law, no matter how you spell it.
This is a direct assault on your rights, Not just written rights but inalinable rights given by the creator.
As written The would be do gooders have made a second class citizen out of us.
Tell me why a poilce man or other government official should have more right then the rest of us?.
REPEAL the legilation is the only way.
I'll be working this year against Velesky and Stirpe as soon as their campaigns start. I'll be plugging mail boxes with Messages about these creeps.
Gerry Just run for Governor you got my vote! We have most of Law Enforcement on or side, would hate to be the ones that are told to go get them, the men and women at that rally seamed like they didn't want to give up anything.

Joe Salt
Don't know that I can agree regarding law enforcement "being on our side." WA State Police just tried to turn my Hunter Ed classroom into a "Gun Free Zone" and when I told them I wouldn't police for CCW's, and that I had no problem with concealed carry in MY classroom, the guy really bristled up........ police are often trained to disrespect "untrained civilians" and are often not as comfortable with "civilians" owning guns as one might assume.

This fellow pretty much sneered at the idea of regular people being allowed to carry guns around,however when I asked him to quote some statistics regarding these dangerously untrained concealed carriers he opted to not reply :)

Cuomo looks crazy, wants to be President

For a month or more, Cuomo has come on one of the local VT/NY/NH stations touting his "no new taxes" budget plan. I am sick of his crazy looking mug. Seems like a strange way of selling a cost-saving measure, buying expensive ads that are seen by more folks in VT and NH than in NY.

He thinks jumping into the gun control issue forcefully will propel him to the Presidency. Didn't work for his buddy Bloomberg. When he announced his new laws, he did look like Hitler. If we're lucky he'll rant so much he'll have a stroke.

NY would be a decent state if it broke in two about 50 miles north of NYC and the lower part sank into the ocean.

I can't believe that small town chiefs of police want to spend a large part of their time and money tracking every purchase of .22 ammo. I do think that police are becoming more militaristic though. I don't trust our VT State Police. They will shoot or taze you in a heartbeat and the Attorney General backs them up every time.
If you could have seen some of the signs at the Rally, of Cuomo with the Hitler mustache, the where a thing of beauty. Or Sheriff and I went to school together and he is behind us 100% and my youngest Boy is a Deputy. I don't think either would lie to me. Oh most law enforcement have all they can do to qualify, that's why they get nervous when someone else has a gun around them. I'm an untrained Civilian and I know I can compete with the best of them. My son tells me not even the trainers shoot like I do. And I'm OLD!

Joe Salt
One day in NY about 35 years ago, I figured it out that I WAS THE ONE THAT HAD TO GO!

I did eventually deduct my situation and recognize my reality at the time, that if I was ever going to be at peace where I lived, it wasn't going to be a place that was inundated with liberals and Democrats. That was never going to change as long as I lived there, so I WAS THE ONE THAT HAD TO GO..... Good Riddance and Escape from NY!
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JOE Not the troopers they are the jack boots that CUOMO is useing to try o shove this down our throats
Onondaga sheriffs are friends DA is not here. DA is a Republican .

The thing that gets me too is the oath of Office that the troopers take I do here by swear to enforce the laws of New York state and
Defend the constitution of the State of New York to the best of my ability ETc ETC so help me God

I have no political desires , Only to enjoy in my remaining years the libertys bestowed on me by those who have defended and won them.
I also have taken an Oath to perserve the constitution Like All Vets
Gerry that's the part that ticks me off the most, all the people that have died to keep this country free. And these politicians treat it like its no big deal, well when the S%$&* hits the fan there all going to say what happened. In that case even the Troopers will think of there families first. If it were you and our government said go get the guns, I'd say you created the mess you go get them. And if you say Obamas army will do it, well even they have to go from point A to point B. and after seeing all the gun people at that rally. They will have a problem, the trick is that we all stick together.

Joe Salt
I know I'm not alone on this and thanks joe.
Now to get the Vets to chip in. I'm sure that If it's put to them correctly they will back us too.
Contacting vets at the VFW Nam vets etc etc may be an option, they are highly political.
Let get rid of the traitors in office.
Onondaga county is having a hearing to discuss the new law this week.
The county Sherifff doesn't want the new law. Thats one for us.
I believe Cuomo is setting himself up for a run for the Presidency in 2016. All that grandstanding was to get attention on him from the national media.
Yes thats been talked about. Bet he may not win New York.
the southern states sure will not back him. Nor the gun lovers.
I hope this stays around , especialy till nomination time. Lets hope the political systeem chimes in during thee next run.
The problem is people forget too soon. He would be a commie clone like 0mama
Watch out for HILLERY