CT states this past weekend


Mike Suhie
I wanted to first thank everyone who came out for the shoot this weekend at Bell City. We had great weather and short of a few technical issues things went well. For any match directors who run a 200/100 dont forget that the computer program wont break grand agg creedmore ties the right way...we had two this weekend go figure.

I wanted to get the general consensus about running the "backwards" yardages not just from those that attended but from anyone who has shot a match with this format. We had taken a vote at the state match last year and the manority of shooters wanted the 200/100. For the target detail it worked out very well, but we are here for the shooters and that is what is most important. At our range we have pit style targets at 200yds which added an hour to the total match time compared to 100yds.

What do you think?