Crown question



While at the Nationals this past weekend, a look at the crown on my 40X using a borescope revealed some damage. I had noticed that accuracy, especially in the wind, has fallen off since the season began and I have a chance to have a local gunsmith either lap the crown or re-crown the barrel Thursday evening. I have a match that I need to do well in on Sat.(shooting against the Termite:eek:) but won't have a chance to practice before then.

My question to other shooters who have had a crown either touched up or re-done, or to any gunsmith who has done this: Will either procedure affect my tune? Is one less likely to than the other? I'm guessing that a little bit of laping wouldn't affect tune, but if it's necessary to remove a few thousandths to re-crown, it might?

Thanks in advance for any input,
Todd Banks