Jerry Adams
Last weekend at a match I was the subject of a crossfire. This occurred before I had fired any shots on my record tgt. In my attempts to notify anyone I used up too much time and ended up being DQ'd for firing after the command Cease Fire. I am ignorant of what the subject of a crossfire is supposed to do. I've gone through the rules on the NBRSA web site and all references are to the offender. My first thought upon seeing the shot was that if I fired without notifying someone that I owned that shot. From what I glean from the rules the offender is supposed to report their crossfire after firing is completed. I've read all the paragraphs in rule 4.23 and don't find anything that applies to my situation. So, it appears that what I'm supposed to do in this situation is just fire my record shots and trust that the offender will report their transgression and/or the target crew will sort this out by looking at moving backers.