Crawfish 2008


Steve Lloyd
Just wanted to say "Thanks" to Bill Smith (Thumper), Don Hawkins and all who helped put the shoot together. I believe a GOOD TIME was had by all and the Crawfish and Shrimp were Great. Good Luck/Good Health until next Year.:p
Steve, congrats on some good shooting! I too would like to thank Bill, Don, and the rest of the folks for the hard work they did to put on another great match. Thanks to Doug Weeter and the guys who did the scoring and to the referees. They did a fine job as well. I enjoyed meeting some new folks, and seeing others I hadn't seen in a while. Congrats to all the winners on Saturday and Sunday. Hope to do it again next year!
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Thanks Kent!

Good seeing you again! Seems to me you took home some fine wood for your consistant shooting (3 gun in yds). Looks like your going to be some tough competition this year, see ya at Kettlefoot in July.
Ditto!! It was a well done shoot, and as always, agood bunch to shoot with. See you all soon.
Thanks Thumper and the rest of the Gateway crew,
Bear and I enjoyed the trip down to Jacksonville. It's great to see everyone after a long winter(came home to a few patches of snow left on the ground) and meet some new folks, too. We'll be back next year!

A big Thanks to Thumper and Don for running the match, and to Phil and Don for running the targets. They even had to post and pull some in the rain. It takes a group effort to pull off a match this big. The food was great too. Thanks to the whole Gateway group.
Cherie and I would like to add our thanks also. Just got home about 1/2 an hour ago. Long trip, but, worth the effort. Hope to see everyone there again next year.

Thanks for the memories.

I would also like to thank Bill Smith for a great match. It will be my last benchrest match as I leaving the sport. Over the last couple of years my interest in .22 benchrest shooting has started to fade and I made the decision to hang it up. I sold my sporter at the match and I have to potential buyers for the heavy gun. I'll stop by every once in a while to see what's going on, but my competitive shooting days are over. AL
Gateway Crew

Tell everyone how much we appreciated everything. Had a great time. The match was ran well and the food was great, we'll try to do as well when we have our matches in Georgia! Al you'll be missed by all of us. Have always looked forward to our time together. Hope to see you soon, stay in touch.
Semper Fi
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thanks, Thumper we had fun and i think i got my $60 back in shrimp.. dj

he got off easy this time. I came close and only dropped 1 point in the meters sporter, but just didn't quite cut it. He would have had a 250 on that card, but when he was warming up he had an extra shot drop in bull #23 that he didn't catch until it was toooooooooo late.
Thank you

Bill, Don, Steve, and the rest of the crew for such a well run match. It was my first big shoot, and I will be back next year. I had a real good time and enjoyed it alot, and all the nice people I met. It dosen't get any better. See you all at the next Crawfish. D.J. of Wi.:D

I thought he meant you just had to beat his score at the "Crawfish?????:confused::D;)
Just trying to help,Phil........:D:D:D"MO"

after he had that dropped shot I just figured it wasn't worth worring over. Hope to see ya next month at Freds. Janie and myself are coming your way to dig in the dirt at Diamond State Park and shoot a little. Hope to see ya there.:p

I'll be there and I hope you find Janie a BIG rock!!!!!