COW method of fire forming


New member
Ive got Unique powder that I'ld like to use in the Cream of Wheat type of fire forming.

Is there a "formula" to use in determining how much of this powder should be used as a starting point for any cartridge case?


When I used this method I used 7 gn bullseye cow and wax plug.

Do not recommend though. If you ever put bullseye and bullet together bad stuff happens in rifle, death, blindness or destroy action. I do not keep bullseye anywhere near rifle reloading anymore.
For 6ppc I either use 22 cal cheap bullet in old barrel or old 6mm bullets I have laying around anything cheap or if I have to I use bullets I am shooting. Just my 2 cents worth
In the interest of safety I say ditch the COW, use straight powder.

I have Ken Howell's book. I've spoken with Ken. I've fireformed with 20 different powders and 10 different fillers including COW and Farina and kapok and cotton and wax and on and on........IMO the BEST method is just powder. Maybe a tiny fluffy pinch of toilet paper massing just a few grains to keep powder from bouncing out, or if you must lay the rifle down slowly and carefully.

Ken advocated the use of fillers to save money. Now I'm all about saving money but IMO this is false economy. Unless you cannot buy enough powder I suggest you use powder only, no filler. ONE TIME of blowing a primer on a normal first load, only to find a ring of COW lodged up in the shoulder joint was enough to convince me.......and it went a long way towards explaining my previous wild ES numbers.......and when I dug junk out of a few of those, even after three firings....

I say just use powder alone. It gives the cleanest most consistent results and is safer IMO.


I've used Unique for 20 years. I use instant grits. Around 10-12 grs. for 6MM's and increase in 2 grs. increments for each larger caliber. I've formed thousands this way. As always start low and work your way up.
ONE TIME of blowing a primer on a normal first load, only to find a ring of COW lodged up in the shoulder joint was enough to convince me.......and it went a long way towards explaining my previous wild ES numbers.......and when I dug junk out of a few of those, even after three firings.

Would Ultrasonic cleaning after COW fireforming get that out or is it hard stuck?

I say wear the leisure suit and fireform with no COW. you'll fit in next to my lynyrd skynyrd inspired bellbottoms
I've used Unique for 20 years. I use instant grits. Around 10-12 grs. for 6MM's and increase in 2 grs. increments for each larger caliber. I've formed thousands this way. As always start low and work your way up.

Thanks Dave. I have new W-W 22-260 cases that Ive upsized to 6mm250. I want to use Unique, which I have pounds of, to straighten several of the cases that I managed to "bend" the necks on.

No, Im not going to load them with bullets and waste barrel life. And Yes I realize now what I was doing incorrectly to get "bent" necks.

I just needed to know a starting point to charge the cases with Unique. I thought there might be as "formula" used for any cartridge. Im might first try just powder and check the results.
When I used this method I used 7 gn bullseye cow and wax plug.

Do not recommend though. If you ever put bullseye and bullet together bad stuff happens in rifle, death, blindness or destroy action. I do not keep bullseye anywhere near rifle reloading anymore.
For 6ppc I either use 22 cal cheap bullet in old barrel or old 6mm bullets I have laying around anything cheap or if I have to I use bullets I am shooting. Just my 2 cents worth

I agree Bill. I use Bullets and Rifle powder when fire forming brass for a Rifle. I see no advantage to taking the risk. it may be OK for the experienced enthusiast. I fear that some reader will misinterpret some of these potentially dangerous tricks of the trade. Accidents can and do happen.

COW method of firforming

i had the exact same problem as alinwa...cooked COW stuck to the inside of the shoulder and it is a bear to get out. i still use the COW method but only fill the case 2/3 with COW and the rest with shot buffer and a cotton plug. DO NOT use only shot buffer as it will melt and plug the neck until pressure goes high enough to BLOW!!! it out. not a pleasant experience.
ptf18 listen to Dave and Al! Stay away from the COW.

There seems to be a fixation with COW. I agree - it clumps and some stays behind, but don't tar all fillers with the same brush.

I use plain corn grits over Bullseye, with a tissue wad between, and it leaves very little behind. I believe you can use less pistol powder behind filler than without.

i have done little no bullet fire forming, but i am all for fast pistol powder and nothing else....
i pull the trigger with the rifle straight up, powder is level in the case, and i get nice clean sharp edges with the correct charge.

That's probably what I'll do in the future. Have you ever compared the powder required for sharp shoulders, with and without filler?
Never tried cream of wheat but I do use grits. After fire forming all my brass I have never noticed any buildup of anything inside the cases. also after five for me I can sit down and have a nice warm bowl of grits, sugar, butter and milk with what's left over.
In the interest of safety I say ditch the COW, use straight powder.

I say just use powder alone. It gives the cleanest most consistent results and is safer IMO.


Al, are you using just power and no wax plug?

Concho Bill