I have shot F-Class at 600 yards and am wondering about your game and the differences in the game. Have skimmed the rules and see your light gun is 17 # or less and heavy can be any weight and both are limited to 40 cal or less. See you do not allow prone shooting but have a bench and setup is about the same as 100, 200 and 300 bench rest which I have done. My question is how do you score the target and does a pit crew pull the target after each shot and who does the scoring someone in the pit I would guess. How does the shooter get feed back on sighters. Also see the ad/registration form for the St Louis 600 yard nationals later this month. 8 targets for record with 5 record shots and unlimited sighters. Does this target look like a score target or a group target with all the record shots on the same bull. How large is the target at 600 yards? Is there much difference between IBS and NBRSA rules?