Country Ponds results.

William Colbert

New member
Thanks to all the attendees who traveled to Country Pond throughout the season, I appreciate the effort put forth to make it to our matches.

This past Sunday was our last match and I want to offer a special thanks to Pete and Paul for hitting the pavement and making the trek over from New York.

Sporter Yds

Paul Vobecky 248 12
Bob Hill 247 13
Keith Royal 246 11
Ray Hill 246 9
William Colbert 245 9
Pete Roberson 243 5

10 1/2Lb Yds

Keith Royal 249 14
Bob Hill 249 13
Ray Hill 249 9
Pete Roberson 248 10
William Colbert 247 8
Paul Vobecky 243 12

13 1/2 Lb Yds

Keith Royal 250 21
Ray Hill 249 14
Paul Vobecky 248 14
Bob Hill 248 14
William Colbert 248 14
Pete Roberson 248 9

3 Gun Yds Agg

Keith Royal 745 46
Bob Hill 744 40
Ray Hill 744 32
William Colbert 740 31
Paul Vobecky 739 38
Pete Roberson 739 24

Unlimited 1 Yds

Paul Vobecky 250 13
Keith Royal 249 17
William Colbert 248 17
Bob Hill 248 12
Ray Hill 247 16
Pete Roberson247 9

Unlimited 2 Yds

Keith Royal 250 18
Ray Hill 249 17
Bob Hill 249 16
Paul Vobecky 248 13
Pete Roberson 246 11
William Colbert 245 12

Unlimited 3 Yds

Ray Hill 250 14
Paul Vobecky 250 13
Pete Roberson 249 20
Bob Hill 249 16
Keith Royal 248 16
William Colbert 248 8

UL Agg Yds

Paul Vobecky 748 39
Keith Royal 747 51
Ray Hill 746 47
Bob Hill 746 44
Pete Roberson 742 40
William Colbert 741 37


William Colbert 987.59
Bob Hill 985.46
Keith Royal 983.48

Keith Royal 997.58
Bob Hill 994.57
William Colbert 992.46

Bob Hill 994.51
Keith Royal 992.63
William Colbert 989.52

3 Gun
Keith Royal 2972.169
Bob Hill 2971.158
William Colbert 2966.133

Bob Hill 2975.163
Ray Hill 2973.147
Keith Royal 2942.132

Congratulations to Keith and Bob on their great shooting throughout the year. The winners of the 3 Gun SOTY and the UL SOTY.
Keith and Paul nice shooting at Sundays match as well, winners of the aggs.

The red rider seems to have found its way back into my trophy rack. It will remain front and center for the winter as a reminder of the fun that was had this past summer. Both winning and losing among friends and the ability to make light of it, is was this discipline in my eyes is all about. That being said, I now cannot wait for next season to start so as to be able to pass this DAMN "Red Rider" trophy off to an opponent that has had as CRAPPY a day of shooting as I did yesterday.

Stay warm this winter,


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Thanks William for all you've done down there this year. Also please thank Ron & Paul for their efforts as well. And to your wife for the great lunches all season!
As far as the RED RIDER goes, someone had to have it! I'm sure the $1000 for the SPORTER SUPER X-MAN will take some of the sting out of it! Congratulations!!!!!!!
Congrats to Bob for the UL SOTY as well!
And last but not least. THANK YOU Ray for making the season fun. No matter how we've shot. It was nice to see you get excited about the sporter the other day. I enjoyed the show.
See everyone next year.
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Sporter Super x Man

Thanks Big W. for a great shoot. We all had a fun day shooting with the best of friends.
Congrats to Bob and Keith, the man from Boothbay. You guys shot well all year and it's
kinda hard for this old guy to keep up. And a special congrats to you William , you not
only won the Sporter Super x Man you also got to take the old Red Rider home again.
Nice to see Paul and Pete again and if the Good Lord is willing I'll see all you guys again.
Thanke to all the match directors from Kettlefoot in Virginia to Capitol City in Maine and
everywhere in between.
Thanks William..

What a great range to shoot at.. Congrats to Keith on the 3 gun SOTY. Great target with a 250 21X. Was a nice battle to the finish with you. Nice shooting! Was a pleasure to shoot with Paul V and Pete R. again for the last match of the year. Congrats to Ray, Keith and Paul on there 250's. Would like to thank Ron for his nearly perfect scoring this year and doing a great job running the line. Thanks Heather for the hearty meals . Next year can not come quick enough.
Oh and the RED RIDER will have a loving home this winter .. Thanks William,and Congrats on the Super X man ran a great match all season.

Stay warm and outta trouble you guys..
Thanks to William and everyone that was there

It was a fun day had by all and to the 4 who compete for the " Red Rider"
the only thing for those who weren't aware of what it was all about till it was over
the " WINNER" should have to wear it tied to their belt and set on it at every shoot
until it's passed on?! Just to show it off!!

Once again Thanks to everyone it was a fun day!!!