Correct mistake in ARA web site date for Chatt. Rifle Club Club Tournament, Oct. 22


Catfish Willy

Chattanooga Rifle Club's Club ARA Tournament is Oct. 22 at 9:00 am. The date on the ARA web site is Oct. 29, this is a mistake. Sorry that I was so late catching this mistake. Hope everyone that was planing for the 29th can attend on this Saturday the 22nd. Reward for first scantioned 2500 is $1,200.00 this match. Lunch will be servied and entry fee including lunch is $20.00.
Chattanooga Rifle Club's Club ARA Tournament is Oct. 22 at 9:00 am. The date on the ARA web site is Oct. 29, this is a mistake. Sorry that I was so late catching this mistake. Hope everyone that was planing for the 29th can attend on this Saturday the 22nd. Reward for first scantioned 2500 is $1,200.00 this match. Lunch will be servied and entry fee including lunch is $20.00.

I WAS going to be there..I planned my trip to Florida around this could this be on the schedule all year and the mistake not be noticed til now??
could you post address of range in case I can go and for future dates