Cooper TRP Trigger



I have a newer TRP-3. Almost immediately after picking it up, I ordered a Jard 2 oz. trigger. I installed it and was not impressed with the creep. Someone suggested that I moly the sear.......I tried it.... and the creep went away. I've shot this rifle a good bit since in local club matches, but have still never been satisfied with the trigger. It does not have the crisp break in which I like. I called Cooper this morning to see if they would work on my factory trigger. I even offered to sign a liability waiver if they could get it down low. I have not received a final answer from them yet......but the fellow I spoke with told me I could talk to the plant manager, but his answer was likely to be no. My father has an older TRP in which I adjusted the trigger. It is not near 2 oz. (maybe 6-8), but I swear it is better than the Jard. Do I have any other options? I thought about trying to mess with my factory trigger or maybe take it to a gunsmith and tell them to "go nuts". I really like this gun and it shoots like crazy....but I would like to get the kind of trigger I want. I would even be willing to buy a custom made trigger assembly if one were available.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.
Some of the early model 36 coopers could be up graded to a Jewel trigger. Cooper went bankrupt and left Jewel holding the bag! Jewel has said they would not build a trigger now for a Cooper @ $50,000 a piece! A guy that was at Champion Shooters in Ohio (Wussi) that had been on team Cooper collected those Triggers . Carl @ Champion Shooters could help you get in touch with Wussi. They are rare but do exist! Jewel would probaly spit if you asked them!
I am selling the Brooklen Bridge

Moly the Sear to take away creep?? :eek:
A good gunsmith who understands the basics of a 3 lever trigger can get out the creep - anything other then lighter fluid will only degrade the trigger. ;)
Yeah...I was a little skeptical of the "moly method". But, I tried it anyway. Seemed like a quick fix though. I just got off the phone with a gunsmith. I think he is going to try to do something with the Jard.