cooper phoenix vs savage 12 f/tr 223



cooper phoenix vs savage 12 lr 223

hello to all, this is my first post here. I currently have a cooper phoenix rifle in 223 that has a 1/14 twist barrel. due to my desire to shoot 69 and an occasional 75 grain load (without the bullets leaving the barrel sideways) the current cooper setup is less than ideal.

I am debating going two ways. first is to sell the cooper and buy a savage 12 lr in 223 with either a 1/7 or 1/9 twist barrel. the second is to send the cooper out to be re barreled into a 1/8 twist rig.

Any thoughts as to the accuracy potential of either of these two platforms? secondly if you think I would be better off with a cooper re barrel could you please give a gunsmith recommendation (as there is nobody in southern nj I would trust to do it).

thanks in advance
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cooper vs savage

I own the savage and I have never had anything bad to say about it. it shoots great. I have only shot the 69 mk's but it will shoot high .1's to mid .2's I have never tried the 75s so I am not sure that it will stabalize the bullet. So I would not be affraid to go with that. I did have scott null at savage gunsmithings do his accurizing package on it and a trigger job. But you have to love the way it shoots. :).

I have never shot a cooper but I have never heard anything bad about them to.
I am leaning towards rebarreling/bedding the cooper. I love the trigger, and like the stock. can anyone recommend a cooper'smith and an optimal barrel make/length?

I am impressed with my cooper every time I go to the range. It is a SOLID .25 MOA gun out to 450 yards.
I am impressed with my cooper every time I go to the range. It is a SOLID .25 MOA gun out to 450 yards.

can you tell me what loads yours likes? have you upgraded it at all?

The Savage in 1x9 Twist shoots the 75gr Hornady amax better than my
52-55gr match load. Recoil is more but when I reposition the gun on the rest
and see the results I smile. Reloader 15 21.8 CCI400 Federal Brass 2.26oal.
Might try 60gr Hornady Vmax or 64gr Winchester Spire Point in the 1x14 Say 22.8-23gr Hodgdon 4895 or Reloader 15 good start point.
I have had good luck with Pac-Nor barrels and their rebarreling service, their prices are reasonable and the turn around time is fairly quick, but best of all is that I have had great luck with their barrels - they have all shot very well.
I lean towards having the barrel maker do the work because then if there is a problem you only have to deal with one entity rather than having to deal with a gunsmith and barrel maker.
can you tell me what loads yours likes? have you upgraded it at all?


I guess it may not be much help since my gun is a 25-06 Rem!
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I was pondering the same thing. After a lot of thought I think your better off to have the Cooper rebarelled. I know the cost is $400 but that is still less expensve than a new rifle. Hard to beat that 3 lug model #21 action. Believe me I am a Savage fan but I love my little Cooper. I shoot a model 21 in score matches at our club and have walked away several times this last summer with wins and that's with a .17 m4!

Be aware of the folks that say their Savage shoots in the .1's and 2's. Those folks should be shooting in registered benchrest matches.
thanks for the reply, I am getting prices of ~$575 for a 1/9 lilja 26" tube installed. seem fair?
thanks for the reply, I am getting prices of ~$575 for a 1/9 lilja 26" tube installed. seem fair?

That sounds a bit high to me. The barrel is less than $300 so $275+ to fit & chamber is expensive. I fit and chamber barrels for half that when a muzzle brake is not required.