cooper 57m TRP-3 ejection problem



Does any body own one of these .22 cal rifles? And if so have you had any problems ejecting spent .22 cal empty shell cases? My rifle is only about 4 months old and it will only eject one out of ten empty shell cases. The bolt looks ok. It will eject a .22cal complete bullet with out any problems. But almost every time I open the bolt the empty shell case will end up just flipping around inside of the action. Cooper was nice enough to offer to send a call tag and pick it up and fix it but, I'am not just ready to send it back. Othe then that, the rifle is great, it even shoots great. john
Cooper was nice enough to offer to send a call tag and pick it up and fix it but said:
I think that you should take advantage of Coopers offer, you would be without the rifle for a bit but it would be properly repaired at zero expense to you. It's nice to see a company with that level of customer service.

Try cleaning the extractors & their slots in the bolt. Flush them out with something like brake cleaning fluid.
If you are in the habit of oiling your bold - stop. The oil only attracts & holds junk that will gum up the firing pin & extractors.
Make Sense?
After you clean the slots and extractors real goo as Doug said, the next thing is it maybe the way you work the bolt.
I have one that if I don't work the bolt all the way back or do it to softly it does the same thing and is very iritating!!
So give that a try and let us know!
A lot of Annie 64's have this issue. The fix is to grind the extractors so there is a bit of clearance between the cartridge rim and the hook of the extractor. Seems totally backwards but it completely cured 2 of my Annies. Use a cutoff disc in a dremel tool. I put up with the problem for nearly 2 years and even put on new extractors and the spring clip which didn't help because the locating hole in the bolt is too far back.

I'm not saying this will fix your Cooper but it could be worth a try. Maybe Cooper will send you some new extractors to experiment on.
dover, Doug, Pete Roberson and crb. Thanks for all of the great helpful feedback. The Cooper is a great rifle and the people there do know how to treat a Cooper rifle owners. I phoned them several times and talked to one of their Gun Smiths each time. Today I talked to Mike H. and at this time I will be sending my bolt, the lower action ejector plate/bullet guide thing and my trigger. He said to send it all in and they will do their best to make the fix. As soon as I can get it out to them in Montana and back and installed and tested I will be back to post the results. This rifle shoots so great I cannot believe what I have been able to do with it. Benchrest targets at 200 yards. WOW! Thanks All, later john
To whom that may be interested and those that commented. The bolt came back from Cooper fixed. I tested it this week end and it worked great. Thank you Cooper for the fine warranty repair job. I look forward to many years of shooting that great Cooper rifle. Thank you Benchrest Central Forums. john