converting adl to bdl stocks



hello guys im wanting to convet my adl to a bdl stock,ive ordered the stock its on the way,i bought a forehinge for the bdl for the unloading at the bottom of stock,my question is when i set the hinge part on top of wrap around the part that incases the loaded round the trigger doesnot stick thru ,only about half the trigger is trutrudding thru the trigger guard,what am i missing here,ive got the small screw in the metal housing secure,ive checked to make sure the part in all the way up inside action,do any of you guys know what i need to do next

thanks for any help
You can't just buy a forehinge. The ADL has a simple freestanding trigger guard while the BDL has an entire bottom plate which includes trigger guard, metal frame, cover and latch.
mr alinwa im sorry i didnt make myself clear,i bought the assembly as u described from ptg but when i try to assembly ,if i put back screw in then the front doesnot come all the way down on the metal housing,there is about one eight of an inch gap at the front
Did you also get a box magazine with the bottom metal? It is different than the ADL magazine.
... and often the ADL stock contour is slightly different than the BDL contour and the fit is not the best when you get it all inletted. Inletting is required...
I have done it before but as stated previously you must have a BDL magazine box. The ADL uses a screw to attach the magazine box to the action. The BDL box has no screw, it is held between the action and the bottom metal.
And the feed rails are part of the box rather than being part of the receiver so you have to make sure you get a correct box.
