Joe Ponto
Can someone please pass on the contact information for Davidson products in New Mexico?
Thanks, Joe
Thanks, Joe
Art, They make loading ramps, bases, and overall length gages (for bullets)...probably other things as well. Still hoping to get the information. Thanks for help.
Here's a lead: http://www.sinclairintl.com/.aspx/sid=65929/pid=33882/cid=0/mfg=60T/Products/DAVIDSON.
It appears Sinclair is carrying [8] of their products. You might call Sinclair at 800-717-8211 and ask for the buyer that deals with Davidson Products. He or She might have a contact name and number at Davidson.
Can someone please pass on the contact information for Davidson products in New Mexico? Thanks, Joe
For current info as of 2 minutes ago. Alvin's son still makes all their BR products. They are available from Sinclair or Brownells. If it ain't in their catalog, they don't make it. They wholesale to Sinclairs only. Is this what Joe wants, Art?