


"Build it and they will come."

Another cliche quote from a movie but very appropriate in this case. Inspired by match directors in Colorado and Florida, who took an interest and built successful and sanctioned clubs, Frank Tirrell has risen to the occasion. A club in Longview, Texas on beautiful, manicured grounds, with official USARB targets, is now ready to take off. Looking at past scores, this could be the next place to produce a world record score.

Thank you Steve for your most generous gift for our new club..............much appreciated.


What's the name of your Club? I Googled the area but could find the Club and would like to take a closer look. After all, it's only a short 26 hour drive away so you never know who might show up once it's up and running.


The host club that has allowed me to put in a 25 meter range is: East Texas Rifle and Pistol Club.
There is nothing showing up on their websight as of yet we are in the process of getting our websight included on their club page.....lots to do.

Frank's New Club

I know personally that Frank has put a LOT of work into getting this venue secured and ready for the great shoots he is going to put on.
I have been to the club and it is one of the best set up, best run and well maintained shooting clubs I have ever been to.
Joe Peacock
Thank you all for the support on the range.

I really lucked out on this place as it is beautiful and so well kept. It was the digging of those 25 meter holes in the 104 degree sun in hard packed clay for the target frame receptacles that tested ones fortitude and logic. Rough day for an old man.
All things are in place for the first match. Friends helped work all the bugs out and initiate the range.
The plan is to have fun and enjoy one's self, you just cannot do that in this 100 degree weather. I will wait till Al Gore's Global Warming tempers the east Texas air before holding the first match.

On a brighter note I did challenge a fellow observing shooter with a 270 rifle to a 25 meter group match but after seeing my 248-17 target he declined the offer.
