Congratulations Truman Webber



Congrats Truman on some great shooting. 7 Pieces of wood and a new world record is something to be proud of. Congrats to Ken F. and William Poff on some fantastic shooting as well. Congrats to all of the winners.

Permit me to join your many friends in offering congratulations.
I know you were up against the toughest sort of competition.
To finish in the top among this croud is a distinct honor and good reason to be proud.

Best of Luck Enjoy your Win

Your friend
Way to go Truman

You did well.....I'll try to get over before long for a lesson or two.
I'm happy for you and proud to call you my friend.
Wow what a Great Match - and I had to miss it!!:(
All the Results along with Equipment are in the RBA "Match Results" database.
Remember to select "Indoor" for the Enviroment for you search or you will come up with nothing!
This is RBA's First Match for 2008.
Allen Stigall

Truman I Was Realy Thrilled To Hear How Well You Shot;
Anytime You Are Present At Any Match The Shooters Will Find The Compition May Be A Little Bit Better Then Addiquit. I Will Be Up To Shoot With You Later In The Week;

The Old Bat;
Congratulations Truman on your shooting. Good to see a gentleman as yourself do so well. We are proud of you. Looking forward to shooting with you in the near future.
