Congratulations Gene Corvin


Mickey Law

for shooting an ARA five target raw ag of 2330 with rough conditions. Results of Gene's Rimfire 1 & 2 ARA and IR50 included. Mickey:)


  • IR50 Gene's Rimfire UL Email 3Oct09.xls
    34 KB · Views: 242
  • ARA Gene's#2 Email 2Oct09.xls
    24.5 KB · Views: 206
  • ARA Gene's#! Email 3Oct09.xls
    25 KB · Views: 195
Forgot to change equipment

Gene shot the 2330 ag with his Suhl, Broughton, Brock rifle. Sorry about that. Mickey:eek::eek:
Great shooting Gene.. I thought that shooting next to you, that maybe some of that might have rubbed off on me... NOT..

See ya in two weeks..

Good shooting, Gene. Congratulations Tim. Looks like you had a good weekend. Congrats to all of the winners.

That was some mighty good shooting, even though you whined while doing it. Haaaaaaaaa! Just think how well you could have done if ole Martin Hammond had-a tuned your gun for you. Maybe he'll grow some big ones and come shoot your tournament next week.:eek::D:p
Great shooting Gene...........................................

Looks like Tim did pretty good in the IR unlimited also. Good shooting!!
Nice shooting Gene! Did you use the new Hall one piece rest? See you in three weeks.
Nice shooting Gene! Did you use the new Hall one piece rest? See you in three weeks.

I did use my Hall rest. Wouldn't leave home without it! You need to think about coming to our tournaments next week.
See you,