Congrats to James Goble on his first ARA match win. I told you that you could do it this year! I also think this is your highest match agg ever! We've been dealing with terrible winds this year and finally got a good day to shoot.
Raw Aggs:
1. James Goble - 2137.000
2. Mark Penrod - 2085.000
3. John Carper - 2060.000
4. Ed Ledbetter - 2040.000
High Cards:
Target 1 - James Goble - 2260
Target 2 - John Carper - 2200
Target 3 - James Goble - 2250
Target 4 - Mark Penrod - 2175
Target 5 - Ed Ledbetter - 2225
Thanks for all the help guys and see you next month. Our tournament is August 24th 9:00am, $40.00 entry.
Raw Aggs:
1. James Goble - 2137.000
2. Mark Penrod - 2085.000
3. John Carper - 2060.000
4. Ed Ledbetter - 2040.000
High Cards:
Target 1 - James Goble - 2260
Target 2 - John Carper - 2200
Target 3 - James Goble - 2250
Target 4 - Mark Penrod - 2175
Target 5 - Ed Ledbetter - 2225
Thanks for all the help guys and see you next month. Our tournament is August 24th 9:00am, $40.00 entry.