Congrat's Doug Brown!!!


morris fortner

Congratulations on setting a new ara indiana state record, agging 2337.5 for four targets back in july. Great shooting!
I know this is your second ara indiana state record. Last year shooting back to back 2400' was a first, but shooting 2337.5 for a four target agg. is tremendous. That Calfee #2 is really on fire!!!
Keep up the great shooting. Have a great day! Morris
Friend Doug Brown

Friend Doug:

Congratulations on your Indiana State Record Agg.....

For those that don't Know, Doug Brown is one of the charter members of the Livonia Conservation Club, here in southern Indiana..

Livonia has, in it's short life, been the site of some of the most outstanding ARA competition in America.....To win at Livonia, is an accomplishment...a big time accomplishment.......( I won't live long enough to even come close)

I do not wish to demean anyone, or any range, that shoots ARA, any place, but, I sincerely doubt if there is any range in the world, that has any better competition than Livonia ........the record speaks for itself...

Livonia has two distinct shooting conditions......during the day, Livonia can be the absolutely worst place, condition wise, to compete......but, sometimes, during the night matches, it can be a shooters dream...

For Doug Brown to have set the all time Agg. record at Livonia, is simply awesome........

Congratulations Doug.

Your friend, Bill Calfee
Doug Brown has ben extremely competitive this past year. But bringing up a state record that he lost High Target for the Livonia Club Tournament (2007) would definitely raise his hackles. That big piece of wood is in my garage! My 2400's first miss was bull # 15. Doug's and I think Alan's were 3, 5, 7. Doug's best performances have been under immence competition during club matches and he prevailed with that great agg. and at least one other. But Bill.....during the evening or under the lights it is not necessarily "a shooter's dream". A shooter's dream is to win under adverse conditions against the best shooters in the world. The most adverse conditions at Livonia this year had the complete lowest turn-out in the state of Indiana per capita hands down! Congrats to my friend, Doug Brown. That tremendous agg. was incredible. I wish I could even agg. 2200 some day. But shooting conditions is different and I am just being honest about this. I didn't miss a single target at Livonia in 2008.

AND Bill...Those large numbers of shooters that show up to Livonia....most live close to the range.......30-45 minutes very max most much less. Why is it that numbers are so low at Washington County and Wood Township in ARA this year? They are all told around 20 miles apart from Livonia to Wood Township and Washington County some 10 miles from Livonia. I've heard at least a decent excuse for Washington County.....but Wood Township? That place has always treated me well.......why not the locals? I drive 3 hours....they drive 15 minutes. The locals have apparently decided what their range preference is. I would guess it is the evening starts and least conditions for high scores. That isn't necessarily "shooters" conditions, but rifle conditions.

And Doug......
Congrats to your year. You really deserved it. It took a lot of hard work. Not only at the matches but tuning your rifle and finding the ammo that it liked. That ammo that you used in the last match at Livonia opened my eyes to faster stuff 1070+. I will give some a try. You did good!

Doug! What a great agg! Congrats you the man.I remember shooting there one afternoon in a tornado or something I think I shot a 1810 score on 1 target as I was getting up from the bench Mr.Calfee said good target Jerry I thought man what a wisebutt that was a horrible target guess Mr.Calfee new what he was talking about I won that target with the 1810.You fellars always made me be a better shooter I wished I just lived closer.Congrats again Jerry
Congrats, Doug!

Congratulations, Doug, on that great agg! Ray thinks you need a reward...maybe something like some good ole' smoked ribs...Mm...mmm....:)

Congrats, Donna