Congrat's Crawfish, Calfee



My friends:

I'd like to congratulate all the winners at the 2008 Crawfish....excellent shooting.

I would like to extend a personal congratulations to the following winners:

Ron McCormick, Sporter....Yards

Danny Hepler, 13 1/2........Yards

Keith Lovan, 2 Gun...........Yards

Steve Lloyd, Sporter.........Meters

Leonard Worthy, 10 1/2.....Meters

Keith Lovan, 2 Gun...........Meters

Keith Lovan, 3 Gun...........Meters

My friend Keith Lovan has had health problems the last couple of years....he found a good doctor and had some work done.....the last time he was by my place he looked 10 years younger.....he told me he felt good for the first time in years and was really excited about shooting this year...

Friend Keith, it looks like you are back......

Congrats again to everyone.

Your friend, Bill Calfee
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Friend Bill C,

May I ask how many of those that you extended congratulations to shoot Calfee Guns or guns that you have played some part in smithing and how many do not? Or are there any winners that do not shoot Calfee guns that you've failed to congratulate?

Just curious if they may be some "insider trading" kinda stuff going on here ;)

As they say in the World of Political Correctness "NOT THAT THERE'S ANYTHING WRONG WITH THAT." :D

Friend Mike S.
Mike S

Only if he knows ya I guess! He didn't mention ole #36 sporter in meters on Sunday.:eek::p
Friend Fiddler

Friend Fiddler:

I didn't know you owned one of my sporters.....I would most certainly have included you.......I edited the thread....

Your friend, Bill Calfee

If you don't congratulate everybody, it sure looks like an infomercial. James
Congratulations to all crawfish shooters!!!!!

Congratulations to all winners and others. Infact after looking at the pictures of lunch it looks to me like everyone there was a winner!!! Hope all had a great time regardless gun, ammo,or score shot. Wish you all missing dots for remainder of season. Keep your powder dry. Fred

I got to meet and shoot with Keith last year at the St. Louis Benchrest ARA match. Keith won the match shooting a 2268 agg for 6 targets I believe. The guy can flat shoot, and he's super nice guy as well.

It always has been. No doubt. i was wondering if I was the only one who noticed that.

It always has been. No doubt. i was wondering if I was the only one who noticed that.

Obvious to even the most casual observer ... but then again most of Friend Calfee's Threads are an infomercial in one form or another, no?? ;)

There is a problem with that? Heck, many companies take out huge advertisements to brag up winners using their products. I think Lilja has a webpage dedicated to winners and records with their barrels.

It's all good to me. I don't mind at all. In fact, it makes me just a tad more comfortable when I think about trying to figure out how to apply Bill's writings and ideas to serious schuetzen rifles.

There is a problem with that? Heck, many companies take out huge advertisements to brag up winners using their products. I think Lilja has a webpage dedicated to winners and records with their barrels.

It's all good to me. I don't mind at all. In fact, it makes me just a tad more comfortable when I think about trying to figure out how to apply Bill's writings and ideas to serious schuetzen rifles.


Now don't follow too close there Brent, if Bill stops suddenly it'll take a couple of days to pry your nose from ..... nevermind!!! :eek:

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Mike, thanks for your concern for my proboscis, but there really is no danger as Bill will never work on one of my 120 yr old rifles. So, no worries :)

My answer

I was asked at the Winter Indoor Nationals, "Why do you hate Bill Calfee"? My answer was, "I don't hate Bill Calfee, I just don't think he's the God he thinks he is". Boy, would I like to buy him for what he's worth, and sell him for what he thinks he's worth. Maybe an auction.
I am sure no one has ever accused you guys of being a lot of fun.:mad:
Congrats Keith, You were consistent all weekend. Congrats to all the other winners. dj
2008. Calfee

My dear friends:

What an awesome time to be alive and a part of rimfire benchrest...

Me, Bill Calfee, is so lucky to have so many AWESOME shooters shoot my folks make my guns look awesome....

You same shooters, who shoot Calfee guns, could be shooting guns from a number of other awesome gunsmiths, and do much better than you do with my work.....I know this...

But for some reason, which I don't understand, you folks keep allowing me to produce your guns...

As long as you folks, who shoot Calfee guns, keep winning, the least I can do is to congratulate you..................and I will

Your friend, Bill Calfee
Mr. Calfee we have heard this many times. You do pick and choose who gets one of your rifles unless it's sold in the classifieds. We know you have good shooters shooting them. It reminds me of the clicks growing up in high school which seems to carry on to adult life.

You do build one hell of a rifle and you should be proud but you carry that pride sometimes too far and it shows right through in a lot of your posts.

Kind of a turn off reading them.


My dear friends:

What an awesome time to be alive and a part of rimfire benchrest...

Me, Bill Calfee, is so lucky to have so many AWESOME shooters shoot my folks make my guns look awesome....

You same shooters, who shoot Calfee guns, could be shooting guns from a number of other awesome gunsmiths, and do much better than you do with my work.....I know this...

But for some reason, which I don't understand, you folks keep allowing me to produce your guns...

As long as you folks, who shoot Calfee guns, keep winning, the least I can do is to congratulate you..................and I will

Your friend, Bill Calfee

Trying To Pay The Tab On Those Shirts,Bill?

Fred J, you have a lot of posts here, did I read that correctly, you average 141 posts per day? It's gotta be a typo, but I also see threads started by you have a few with one thousand hits, so someone must be listening to what you have to say. But when you look at threads started by Calfee, they are in the several thousand hits, many over 10,000. If Bill is blowing his own horn so much, as you suggest, why are so many folks clicking on his threads? Thanks, Douglas