Congrats Charlie Scott



Congrats Charlie on shooting a 2500 and a 2450 using Eley ammo and your Gorham built rifle.
That is great shooting no matter what ammo. I always knew that you had it in you.
That says a lot about a man who uses one ammo and sells another.
Great shooting Charlie! Does this mean I have to find a new dealer for Lapua?
If i'm not mistaken, Lapua Center-X still holds the record for back to back 2500's and the high six target ag.

David Schmidt 2429.17
T1 2325
T2 2400
T3 2400
T4 2450
T5 2500
T6 2500
Total 14575
Points 66

PS: Charlie, ya done good, thanks for the Center X
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Congratulations Charlie don't know what the story is on the ammo used but who shoot what you need for the conditions at hand.
Charlie Peters
Congrats to a real stand up guy! Hope you are planning a trip west this year to shoot with us left coasters.
Way to go Charlie! I'll have to buy dinner next time we shoot together. Maybe some of your luck will rub off on me. Lord knows I need it right now. Hope you are coming to Fairchance this weekend for the UL Nationals. Drive safe. bob