Complete 2013 Air Rifle Benchrest Schedule for Salem NY



I have the following dates for Air Rifle BR matches at Salem, NY.

Sat. 4/27
Sat. 5/18
Sun. 6/9
Sat. 6/29, Sun 6/30 NE Reg.
Sun 7/28
Sat. 8/17
Sat. 9/14
All are 3 cards starting at 9:30am, followed by lunch (included in your match fee) and then 3 cards after lunch.

Our range is located 30 miles east of Saratoga Springs, NY and features 16 all concrete benches, all under cover. We also have several tables under two 10x20 canopies for gear. Camping is permitted at the club with limited 110v power available on first come first served basis.

The indoor range with two benches is also available for us to use every Wed. evening and Sundays from 9am to 1pm during the winter. If anyone is interested in shooting sanctioned scoreline shoots or would like to practice during these times please contact me. Beginning in late April until mid. Sept we will shoot a sanctioned Outdoor scoreline match every Wed. evening beginning at 5:30.

Hope to see all the regulars and a few new faces at Salem this year!

Todd Banks
Pres., Match Director and sometimes Cook
Salem Pistol and Rifle Club
Black Creek Rd.
Salem NY 12865