Comparing ammunition


For .22: What is the best way to compare two different types of .22 ammunition from a rest? How many "foulers" do I shoot, before shooting for record. Then, if I clean completely, do I do the same ritual over again?
Thanks. David M.
David: One of the secrets to shooting from the bench is to do everything exactly the same way every time. Let your rifle teach you how many foulers you need to shoot before you move to the sighters then do that every time you sit down at the bench. If you clean between targets then your activity should be repeatable. Me, I almost never put a bronze brush down the bore, so when I set at the bench I run 4 rounds down the barrel, pointing at someplace safe off the target. (if you brush then its going to be more, possibly many more to replenish the wax in the bore) Then I go to the sighters and see what the wind is doing. It might take 5 or 50 or more shots before I go to the first record bull. Depends on how many lots I have to go through to determine which is best at that moment. Watch your timer while doing all this and leave yourself enough time to complete the card in time. One of my failings is going to the record bulls too quickly and finishing with time left on the clock. That is not smart time management, and often my scores reflect my lack of patience. bob