coaxial rest-Shadetree Eng. needs your input

Butch Lambert

Active member
We are getting ready to put our CAD program to work on a new COAX rest. We need your help, what do you want? Some of the things that it will have are:
1. Handle to the side out from under rifle
2. Work for either right hand or left hand shooter
3. At least 21" travel at 50yds in both planes
4. Handle a 25lbs. rifle
5. Use readily available bags
6. In stock for instant shipping as we already have available with our present products
7. Considerably cheaper than what is available today
This will be a complete unit with base. We need ideas.
Thanks Butch

Sounds really good if the off-center joy stick is easy to move from one side to the other for LH and RH shooters.

My buddy, Jeff Aberegg, is kinda shopping for a coaxial rest. He'll probably find this soonish.

The email I sent to "rocketdial" came back also. I don't think our computers like each other.

Suggestions for next gen coaxial rest

Hi everyone,

I've been wanting to get a coax rest.
Stuff I'd like to see:
  • built-in 2-axis level, an accurate one,
  • an easy to adjust friction fitting for the coax function, full range, durable and consistent,
  • screws and small bolts made of a material that does not strip, in case a hamfisted technician gets his mitts on an oversized allen key,:) corollary: well-chased threads.:D
  • a possibility to attach a rear rifle support, if wished for,
  • a left/right wrist support pad, to provide support when fine movement is required
You have already covered the other points.
I do a lot of shooting indoors at 25 yds. 10.5 in. @ 25 yds is a tad short left to right. I'd like 11.5 inches. The proposed vertical axis travel is OK, though.
Rigidity vs. weight: carbon fiber? at least as a sandwich material, thoughts anyone?


Phil aka tazzman
Butch, I've been eyeing your tops really hard and was expecting to buy one as soon as I finish a 6br build I'm in the middle of right now. Can you tell me what the weight of this rest will be and maybe a price? I will definitely hold off on just the top now to see this new rest. Thanks in advance......

Edit: If I would read the wind a little more and not be as quick on the trigger I would see you are asking for ideas and this rest has not yet been built.:eek: Sorry about that Butch. I'm asking questions you don't have answers to yet.
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A cartridge block just in front of and the same height as the loading port, or maybe adjustable to the user's liking,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,also a forward stop,,,,,,,,

the wind is my friend,,,,,,,,,,,,,


I modified the handle on the rest I received from you. I bent the handle on a slight angle and put a shifter knob on the end instead of the small black round knob that was on it. I wanted something more robust to hold onto

The drawback was it moved to and frow like a limp noodle.

Resolution was to grind the threaded end of the handle that goes through the front bearing. I ground it to be just below the front face of the bearing. In this manner with a small washer between the screw and the handle when tightened down the resistance of the bearing kept it from flopping around. The other drawback was the screw would loosen in short order. The other fix, 2 part 5 min epoxy on the threads of the screw. Works like a charm.

So yes I think a slightly bent handle with a more robust handle would be my first thoughts.

Calvin, You limit the travel and introduce springback doing that The stick needs to move at least in one of the bearings. Guys, keep the ideas coming. It could take as much as a year to have them available. We are starting from scratch on this.
Look at the cord in the forend stop that the SEB Neo prototype has to align the rest and rear bag. That's a small thing that's a nice feature.

It might be a cool accessory to sell, too. I'd buy one.

Greg J.
I noticed

Calvin, You limit the travel and introduce springback doing that The stick needs to move at least in one of the bearings. Guys, keep the ideas coming. It could take as much as a year to have them available. We are starting from scratch on this.

that Butch.

For what I have been noticing in shooting groups at 50 yards with the 22, as long as I have the joystick fairly centered when setting up on the target springback is not as big a deal as well as the amount of movement.

I have the same thing Calvin has at 100 when I go up I have to set up good or the hand hits the bottom of the stock.But I havent bent my handle.Would an of centre handle feel weird?I find the present top is as good as any Ive felt.If you make a better one it will be real good all the best will be something to look forward to checking out.jim
I shoot F class with mine as well & need to manage less than desirable terrain at times, so optional joystick lengths, bends or a technique to easily change it like the F****y would be nice.

I also been eyeing up your joy stick tops,rather than using my sinclair top.
I was thinking about making my own rest,and just buying one of your tops.
I live in England an i know shipping for a new rest will cost a arm and a leg,
maybe you could sell all the hardware so people could build there own.
A cartridge block just in front of and the same height as the loading port would also be nice,but not the end of the world.
What i would really like to see is a case catcher,i hate it when you loose brass.

And once again thanks for the stock tape.
Butch I've had your rest since early lasy year and here are my suggestions to an already good rest top:

- Somehow integrate a level to the rest top
- Easier Adjustments to the friction of the rest w/o using an allen wrench
- A taller and more adjustable forend stop
21" at 50 yards would give me 420 inches at 1,000 yds. This range of motion at 1,000 or 500 yards for that matter would probably lead to a loss in precision. I use your current rest top for F-class and love it but if I had a large reduction in precision it would not be of use to me.

Maybe two versions?


I have one of your rest tops on a Caldwell 1000 yd base. I think it works great. However, the base itself is so long that I am very close to not being able to get my muzzle past the end of the table (IBS rule). This has nothing to do with your rest top - but just something to keep in mind when making your base. I added a level to your top, so a built in one would be nice. Maybe some sort of protective carrying case. Hauling all of our gear 100's of miles things get bounced around quite a bit. If possible, make it easy to change bags - example from a HBR to a VFS bag.

All of your products are top notch, keep up the good work and this will turn out awesome as well.

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One thing I have been thinking about and it may or may not be something you would consider. Most shooters in BR are older and thus, more and more have back problems (myself included). I have thought many times about making a base that is a two part base. This would allow a lighter rest with a platform (additional weight) that would set on top of the base and form fit it (except for a design to keep from pinching fingers). The bottom platform would need guide pins and one surface covered with a thin rubber, as this would keep viberations between the two pieces down. A "V" type base would accomidate this quite well and yes, it would cost more but make it a option for those who need it.

But the most important thing is to not make the base to light. I know some of the older Farley's had lighter bases, I had one and until I started putting a lead filled bag on it, I'd almost knock it off the bench, plus you could fill more vibrations in the rest until I added weight.

I hope I haven't confused anyone.

Good Luck with your project Butch.

I understand your concern and yes it is a concern to us. It may be that our new rimfire rest top would take care the shortrange[50yds] guys. It has that much travel now. Seems most of the rimfire disciplines use one piece rest. We are definitely thinking that we will need two different weight bases. We are thinking cartridge holders, but they will be limited to PPC and BR. Of course it would be easy to drill them out for the larger cartridges. Would it be better to have the base screws with 2 in the rear and one forward?
Thanks for your suggestions so far.