Coating bullets and residue in tips



Just a general question about coating, regardless of Moly/Danzan/hBN...

There is always powder that gets into the hollow-point and stays there even after tumbling to clean the bullets. Wouldn't this work counter productive, ie loose weight in the bullet?
I've had that worry in the past also.
Back in the past when I was using WS2 I was encountering plating problems at times. Turned out to be humidity FWIW. Anyhow I tumbled some pills to get the clumpy finish off in order to replate.
About 50% of the pills had corncob media stuck in them. Figured I ruined that batch. Turns out the target said don't worry about it. They were actually shooting a little tighter than that gun normally does. I realize your question was'nt about media but mine shot better than normal with chunks of corn cob floatin around inside.
Maybe 1000 yd shooters would see a difference.

If you see a significant amount lubricant in the tips your using too much.
Try adding the lube first with machine running. Then add bullets. Or sumptin.
It should'nt be difficult to devise a work around to your current method.
may i suggest you empty the PILLS out of the pill bottles you are using for tumbling, and coat BULLETS instead.
i never talked to my doc about coating any of my pills..maybe they would be easier to swallow...dont know.
berger, bib, sierra and the rest are all bullet companies..i do not see pill in thier name or product line.

take your medicine like a good boy...

mike in co

Just a general question about coating, regardless of Moly/Danzan/hBN...

There is always powder that gets into the hollow-point and stays there even after tumbling to clean the bullets. Wouldn't this work counter productive, ie loose weight in the bullet?

I have shot Danzac coated for probably the last 15 years. Sometimes there is residue inside, sometimes not. I have to agree w/ the other poster that when there is coating inside you used too much. As to accuracy, the milligrams/micrograms of moly, danzac, hBN that you introducing are so miniscule as to be insignificant, unless you are looking at 1K or further, and probably not even then. As for loose weight, it won't be loose as the bullet leaves the barrel. G-force of the plain bullet acceleration, as well as centrifugal force of the rifling, is going to pin the errant material against the face of the lead long before the bullet leaves the barrel. And if, as is surmised by many, the lead is in fact molten or nearly so as the bullet leaves, the dust will be amalgum'd and be not pertinent.
Considering the very small amount of coating agent used to coat a batch of bullets I can't see how it could/would unbalance the bullet. I don't shoot BR anymore and doubt that my eyesight is better than ±half MOA anyway, so it'd be hard for me to tell, but even when I could see I never noticed any decline in accuracy after I started coating bullets.
My answer was to soak them in an ultrasonic bath of Butch's Bore Shine.

Took that gunk right out of the tips.


Not again

mike in co

You need to get a life and stay out of mine.

Remember the thread when I used the word projectile instead of buyllet and got trashed for it. Now along comes the term pills. Brace yourself for what happens next. LOL
Next time I'll use the Aussie term projy. Just for entertainment value.
some of you need to grow up and use the adult language of your chosen sport...

mike in co
Good grief...

I use the term pill, projectile and projie in place of bullet but what would I know? I'm no where near 4000 posts so clearly not as much as some...
That's the spirit

Next time I'll use the Aussie term projy. Just for entertainment value.

Down under the language is full of local colloquiallisms, slang terms and metaphors combined with an accent many people find hard to understand. Even in the optical engineering lab this sort of slang existed. So if this sort of grammatically incorrect thing irritates or stresses someone then I would not plan a trip to Oz.
In Oz we watch so much TV from the US that we have no problem understanding people from there, but the opposite can't be said to be true. I remember once ordering a coffee and not being understood until I said "car-fee" rather than "cough-ee". Then I've got relatives on the east coast who sound funny to me. A swimming pool is said "pewl" while I'd say something more like "pull".