Cleaning table??

Putting together a new cleaning table and need to know the best clear finish to use. The poyurethane I used on the last one did not hold up well to cleaning solvents and I'm looking for something better. TIA Jim
Putting together a new cleaning table and need to know the best clear finish to use. The poyurethane I used on the last one did not hold up well to cleaning solvents and I'm looking for something better. TIA Jim

I bought a 4x8 sheet of oak ply wood and put Bar Top on it for a finish. I do use a plastic table top cover for mine.:D
I copied Francis' design (hope there wasn't a fee for that) and covered it with a carpet pad then put a vinyl table cloth over the top with hot glue and staples (make sure the staples are not where the gun can get scratched). I've only used it this season - but so far it has held up 100%. Any spilled solvent just wipes right off.

Not sure I can help, but I use a dog grooming table that has a rubber mat attached to the top. The table are made so you can wash and groom your dog with out having to stoop to the ground. The rubber material works super. I am not sure where you could get some thin rubber material but if you could it would solve your problem. Randy J.
You may recall the ones I made. I covered them with buckskin from a Whitetail deer. Of course you have to shoot a whitetail first and it has to be big enough to cover the table. Do you have any of those down there? Then I covered the wood with Spar Varnish. The area where the buckskin is takes the brunt of the solvent spillage. I attached the skin to the oak top with contact cement.

Francis, this big enough?


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There ain't no snow.....

"down there", so quit using any excuse to show off.....was he tied out up in Alberta. I know the guide said "shoot that one" :D

Why not cover the table with glue on vinyl tile or carpet squares ??

Putting together a new cleaning table and need to know the best clear finish to use. The poyurethane I used on the last one did not hold up well to cleaning solvents and I'm looking for something better. TIA Jim

Kitchen counter top w/formica already bonded on.
Find at Lowes. Home Depot.ect.
