Cleaning rods?.....



Sooooooo! Some say no carbon fiber, some say nothing but! For those that donn't like CF, Why? Those that like steel, Why? I'm thinking about adding synthetic o rings to my steel rods at pre-determined intervals to preclude the possibility of rod abrasion to the barrel during the cleaning process. I need more information to make an educated decision.
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The O-Rings will do more damage than the steel rods. Use stainless rods and wipe them each time you use them. You should do the same with any rods. I use stainless rods and wipe them each time. I don't believe the rod itself will damage a bore. An inproper cleaning method is what damages the bore. Use a good rod guide and push and pull the rod in line with the bore. The rod should not look like a bow, with or without a rod guide. Why use a steel rod? BEcause it is easier to wipe clean and it doesn't pick up as much dirt as a softer rod material. Also, especially in the smaller calibers, a steel rod is more rigid than a coated rod.

your bore guide is FAR more important than the surface of the rod. S/S rods or coated rods will both come clean if you wipe them each stroke. But if your bore guide is loose, or it is flexible, the rod CAN touch the inside of the bore and WILL wear the barrel, especially if you are not pushing stratight in and pulling straight out. Classic is the 6 o'clock land being worn more than the rest = bent cleaning rod, weak bore guide