cleaning rod selection



i've been doing some reading to figure out what i need to do to clean my .308 ruger american properly. i understand how to clean a gun, but i've seen it pointed out on this forum that it must be done properly with a long range rifle in order to avoid damaging the ends of the barrel. what rod do i need, what kind of brush, and is a jag okay for pushing dry patches through? what else do i need to know to not damage it?

definitely going to get a book soon that will hopefully cover the rest of my basic questions so i don't have to bother you all!
I would suggest that you take a look on the Sinclair International web site.
and order a one piece rod suitable for you caliber. In addition you might want to order a jag, some brushes (I like bronze, and find it much more economical to order them a dozen at a time.) some patches, and cleaning solvent. In addition you should pick up a cleaning rod guide. If you call them, they should be able to guide your selections from the many products that they sell. Another thing that I think is important is some kind of cleaning cradle or rifle vise. Beyond the actual cleaning of the bore, you will need some bolt grease for the bolts locking lugs and cocking cam. A thin film on the rear surfaces of the lugs and a slightly more liberal amount on the cocking cam are what is needed. Oil is not the right material for these jobs. Avoid three piece aluminum cleaning rods, and do not be fooled into thinking that because a barrel looks shiny, when you look down it, that it is clean. When you are using a rod, take your time, keep it aligned with the bore, and do not extend it past the muzzle more than is needed.
okay thanks. how often do you run through brushes? i've only worn one out once and that was after probably 40-50 cleanings on a shotgun. and it's still useable for sure.
Dewey rods may be affordable compared to some others on the market, but they are in no way lower end. They are just fine. I use one. You may want to add another type of jag. Be sure to pick up a cleaning rod guide too.
Francis, I must take better care of my rods than you do. I have had my Dewey for at least 20 years, and have even replaced the handle with the newer one with better bearings, and have never had a problem with the coating. Of course I wipe it off every time that I take it out of the barrel. Yes there are two schools of thought on rods, and the ones that you mentioned will do a good job. I was just speaking up for Dewey. Now my fancier priced coated Bore Tech rods are another matter. Their coating has nicked and been degraded by solvents. I believe that Dewey rods are coated with Nylon, which is the toughest coating that I have tried. My rod's coating is still pretty much as I bought it, and it has seen a lot of use. One advantage of the stainless rods, in smaller diameters, is that they are stiffer, and that makes starting a new brush,without bending the rod, easier, but in the larger diameter, this should not be an issue.
Boyd is more competent in this field than I ever will be. Just want to add my $0.02 to clarify that a proper fitting bore/rod guide is a must.
During my recent trip to Gene Beggs' tunnel I watched him clean my rifle using his T.K. Nolan barrel saver bore guide and Ivy stainless rods. Made a believer out of me and I ordered each after I returned home. Got the bore guide and should get the rods next week.
I still have the old coated Parker-Hales that are good, Deweys are good, the old Belding & Mulls (ss) which I have 5 of are great, and K&M made a excellent ss rod w/ thrust bearing that I have 3 of that I like. The old K&M rod guides (like the Lucas) are nice too. On the big calibers 7mm and up I put a piece of polyethelene tubing behind the jag so the point (jag) never hits the rifling. The new Montana Extreme looks like an excellent rod, but I don't have one yet. K&M made a .270" diameter for the big stuff which is nice.
I got a Dewey rod right after I noticed that when I was wiping off my Prarker Hale rod, after cleaning a barrel with the then new Marksmans Choice (Does that tell you how long it has been.) and noticed that the color of the rod's coating was on the paper towel that I had wiped the rod with. Many years later, when the handle bearings were improved to their current configuration, I called and ordered an new handle, since the rod itself was still in perfect condition. I still use that rod. I guess that I got mine before there were any coating problems. One thing that I learned a few years back, form Chet Whitebread, is that Dewey makes stainless rods.
I have a pair of Dewey's that are 17 years old, and doing fine. I also have a couple sets of the stainless Pro Shots, very good rods.

Try sending a Bore Tech rod back when their coating falls off within a'll still have the same rod with no coating, they don't stand behind them at all. At least they didn't when I bought the two I have, that are standing in the corner and I won't use them since there is no coating for the first several inches from the end. I was told they would replace the shaft at my cost. No thanks, get burnt once shame on me...I won't get burnt again.
I'll suggest you make one 'a these to seal your chamber against solvents.

bore guide.jpg

The tip is the key, You make it by sawing off one of your old cases and epoxying it onto a Sinclair "bore guide" (which it aint)
