Cleaning Question



Have an Anschutz 1907 and Kimber 82 All American Match with very few rounds through them; purchased them both new. Regarding cleaning, I was once told never use a bronze/brass brush use exclusively nylon, in addition to patches and solvent of course. Is this correct? If not what would your recommendations be? Also, how many rounds do barrels like these hold up to before accuracy is lost and a replacement is warranted?
I do not hesitate to use either a bronze or a brass brush in my benchrest rifles, as neither one will hurt the bore. I do not use stainless steel or steel brushes in my rifles period.. Nylon brushes are also good, but sometimes the bore needs a good cleaning..
As far as number of rounds, some barrels have shot 75,000 rounds and are still shooting good.. More barrels are ruined by improper cleaning than "shooting out"..


that is an email response from Kate White marketing mgr. eley limited. I asked how often they cleaned their test barrels and was their anything cleaning wise performed for beeswax or parrafin lube? they responded: I forwarded your email to our customer range officer, part of the quality department regarding your question on the cleaning regime, please see the comments below: the test barrels are thoroughly cleaned every day, a solvent cleaner is used and dry patches are pushed through, there are no differences between the methods performed for cleaning parrafin and beeswax. kind regards Kate White.
let's see if this is better.

yep now i can read it marty.
that is an email response from Kate White marketing mgr. eley limited. I asked how often they cleaned their test barrels and was their anything cleaning wise performed for beeswax or parrafin lube? they responded: I forwarded your email to our customer range officer, part of the quality department regarding your question on the cleaning regime, please see the comments below: the test barrels are thoroughly cleaned every day, a solvent cleaner is used and dry patches are pushed through, there are no differences between the methods performed for cleaning parrafin and beeswax. kind regards Kate White.

So the guy asked about brushes and Kate told you they clean daily. Is there a point here?
tim the guy asked, marty showed him how eley said they do it.
so how do you clean your rifle?
Only a borescope can tell you the correct cleaning regimen for YOUR bbl and the ammo you are using.
tim the guy asked, marty showed him how eley said they do it.
so how do you clean your rifle?

Go back and read that note from Ms. White. Nothing whatsoever was asked or answered about a brush.
Now go over to the PSL site and listen to the interviews from some top shooters about cleaning, pay particular attention to the fact that they all say the same thing. What could I possibly add. Remember Marty is still, I believe, working with the weed wacker pull through method.
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Have an Anschutz 1907 and Kimber 82 All American Match with very few rounds through them; purchased them both new. Regarding cleaning, I was once told never use a bronze/brass brush use exclusively nylon, in addition to patches and solvent of course. Is this correct? If not what would your recommendations be? Also, how many rounds do barrels like these hold up to before accuracy is lost and a replacement is warranted?

Since nobody got around to answering, whoever told you was wrong. A quality brass brush on a good rod with proper boreguide is a routine used by many top guns.
tim i asked how you clean, i already know how the top shooters do?
tim i asked how you clean, i already know how the top shooters do?

Pretty much the same way Tom, pretty much the same. That's what I guess I meant by the what could I possibly add. I've put up before, anything I do relative to cleaning bore/throat long ago, do a search.
Have an Anschutz 1907 and Kimber 82 All American Match with very few rounds through them; purchased them both new. Regarding cleaning, I was once told never use a bronze/brass brush use exclusively nylon, in addition to patches and solvent of course. Is this correct? If not what would your recommendations be? Also, how many rounds do barrels like these hold up to before accuracy is lost and a replacement is warranted?

This is what I was told about a bronze brush and I hate them. But it's what I do and what I trust. Put the rod through the rifle without the brush and screw the brush on. For RF use a regular CF brush. Pull the brush through one time. Do not push it back. This removes the carbon ring, which is all the brush is for anyway. Remove the brush then clean with patches. After the brush has been used about 12 times, throw it away. It will still look fine but the cutting portion will be flattened. By doing this you remove the ring, and don't hurt the barrel.