cleaning question fzrom a newbie



I have just acquired an older Anschutz, a 1408 as near as I can tell. It shoots wonderfully, but when I try to clean it the jag goes in the breech with no trouble, but the jag with a patch won't fit. What's the solution, .17 jag instead of a .22?
from Newbie

Likely a too large patch, possibly a .22CF jag not RF, possibly a case of both.

Thanks, its a new Dewey jag and I've tried both regular .22 parches and some from one of the rimfire suppliers with no luck. The bore is clear and bright.
I use a 17 cal rod and jag with 1 3/8 patches. Be sure and use a good rod guide, made for the 17 cal rod.
I think Tim hit it with the 22 centerfire jag. Additionally, if I remember correctly, the Dewey jags use a smaller patch than some of the others. Call somebody and order a Pro-Shot rimfire jag and an adapter if necessary. A 20 cal rod works pretty good as well but what you have should be OK with the right jag/patch combo.