Cleaning a Suhl 150-1 Trigger



I recently purchased a Suhl 150-1 from Allan's Armory (the price was right). The trigger is two stage but has a "mushy" feel. Also the trigger does not return to its original position after pulling. It can easily be pushed forward by finger but does not return on its own spring power.

Has anyone encountered this before? My instinct says that the trigger is gunked up by lubricants and should be cleaned. If so, what is the best way to do this? Soak it in mineral spirits and blow dry with compressed air? Spray with CRC Lectramotive?

Alan Carey
There is a coil spring that returns the sear. It is very light pressure/thin wire and could be lost if you blow dry the trigger. Carefully remove this spring and then soak the trigger and brush out the crud.
I always use lighter fluid. It also leaves a very thin film of lube.
Yupp, Lighter Fluid is definitely your best bet. After running down to your local Wally's World to buy the lighter fluid at their smoking section, remove the trigger from the action, take it outside, soak it down by liberally squirting lighter fluid all over the inside of the trigger housing letting excess drip off while squirting (taking all of the crud with it), lightly shake additional excess off, then bring back inside and set aside on a paper towel or two to allow it to thoroughly dry, then reinstall. DO NOT, let me repeat, DO NOT APPLY ANY OTHER LUBRICANT OTHER THAN FOR THE LIGHTER FLUID!!! That's all there is to it.

Same works for any trigger assembly!

i have a 1977 model. i have never had any problems with the trigger after i removed the screw in front of the trigger. to be honest the suhl is one of the very best shooting rifles i have. it is a total numders matching rifle. i honestly have to wonder if it is a old grade 10 rifle that they allowed to slip thorugh thier fingers becuase the smiths at that time didn't have a clue as to what they truely had. honestly. i have shot 50 yard targets that my custom rifle simply wouldn't match until now.

the trigger has never been a problem. i'm really not to sure that my custom rifle will shoot with my suhl. i'm haing it glass and piller bedded in a don stith stock right now. when it comes back next years eley ammo testing will show what what rifle i will be shooting. i could be very well be shooting the suhl. the rifle simply shoots.

there are many who belivethe suhls are junk. i will stand up and say if you get one that is right you have a fine rifle in deed. mine was amazing till i put it in a stock it just simply didn't like at all. i should have my a$$ kicked up between my shoulder and i'll be the first to admit it. that rifle was world class and there is no way around it.
Mine is one of this latest batch and it had some minor corrosion on some of the parts and a simple squirting with lighter fluid isn't going to address the problem. I have a Zep parts washer left over from a prior life and used solvent and a tooth brush to get the gunk out.

I then used compressed air to dry off the solvent and then doused the whole assy with 3in1 oil and used the air blower to force the oil into all the pivot points and blow off the excess oil.

I know it's totally wrong but it works for me. I reserve my Jon-E Handwarmer fluid for my Jewels.
Thanks everyone. Of course I couldn't wait for all of the replies. What I ended up doing was getting a small shallow lid, putting the trigger in, and submersing it in CRC Lectramotive. I soaked the trigger for about 10 minutes and then started working the trigger while submerged in the solvent. This dissolved the gunk. I pulled the trigger out and it dried pretty quickly. No blow drying or compressed air necessary. Re-installed the trigger and it worked just fine.