Cleaning a scope.



I bought a new scope for my target rifle and the directions say not to use water, alchol or glass cleaner for cleaning the lens because useing these material will remove the lens coating. My question is what would be safe to -say remove over spray of aerosol oil and etc. I want to protect my investment in the scope and any help anyone could give me would be appreciated.mudd turtle.
Camera lens cleaner and tissue or a lens pen (Leupold or generic). Either should protect the coating.
I don't know the answer but it must be a bugger shooting that scope in the rain.

Cameras have about the same lenses & coatings. I got advice from a sympathetic guy in a reputable camera store. Why not try the same?
Thanks John. I am useing a lens cleaning cloth at present but will get down to a camera store and get a good lens kit.garrisone.
Thank you Beau for the reply. Would cleaning the lens with water one or two times ruin the lens coating?garrisone.
I dont mean to sound like a wise guy but if you use aerosol oil why can't you just put the lens caps on before you spray it,my lenses have never been so dirty that a lens cloth would'nt clean them up,just my 2 cents.
I Don't think you were being a wise guy 'im rather to think you were trying to be helpful at least that is the way I took it. The lens cap should have been on the scope but were left off. That will not happen again. I was just worried about the coating being destroyed. I used a dry lens cloth is wipe the lens with. garrisone.
I've been cleaning high end cameral lenses for the last thirty or so years and I don't think I've ever hurt one. They've always said the same thing your scope maker has said about cleaning. I've always used camera lens tissue and cleaner because it supposedly protects the coating. Water will not hurt the lens, but it will not clean the lens very well either. Water smears what is on the lens and doesn't pick it up. I beleive teh lens tissue is better than Kleenex because it contains no oils, and camera lens cleaner contains no alcohol. Wal-mart sells a little kit to clean glasses that has some pre-moistened tissues and a little spray bottle of cleaner and a lens cloth. The pre-moistened tissue contain alcohol and I don't know that I would want to use them on good optics. The cleaner is fine and should be safe as is the cloth. Wal-mart claims the whole kit to be safe for cameras, binoculars, etc. I don't have to clean my scopes very much because they are protected with lens covers, but when I do, I use a Leupold lens pen, which I think is a very good option. Wal-mart sells those as well and also sells a generic version which is just as good.
The best solution is easy-----filtered Acetone period end of discussion. Watch this video and you will know how to do the cleaning process "correctly"!

Click on the Scope Lens Cleaning and watch----I have been cleaning my glass this way for over 10 years.
lens cleaning

When I got my new glasses I asked about cleaning and what I should use and avoid. The Dr. told me "don't clean glasses with a tree"...pithy, but his point was anything made from a tree (paper products) is bad for the glass. I have both the scope cleaning pen and the soft glasses' cloth that came with the new specs. Both work equally well...I still miss the bulls.
Thanks to the post of Dennis L and Boss Hoss, I have devised a simple cleaning method to use on my scopes. It uses some of the ideas in both of these posts and my own decisions.

Thanks Guys,
