I submitted and paid (paypal) for my ad Monday am and it is still not posted. Have also sent 2 inquiries in to the help line with no reply. On my account page it still says waiting for approval.
I don't know what to tell you. I have sold many items through the classifieds here. I post an ad it appears instantly and I get an email saying where to send a check. Have the funds been taken from your paypal account?
I think I found your ad and pushed it through - check to make sure. The hold up was the delay in PayPal's e-check process. Didn't know that it would take so long for an e-check to process but the item in my PayPal account said it could be as long as Oct. 3rd to complete.
I've modified the program code myself and paid for some modifications to streamline the process but the software vendor refuses to modify the PayPal function.