Chupacabra Video

I thought of something tonite Butch....... watching the video the striking thing is the nose profile. This would be easy to rig, OR, what about a local dog with some sort of a muzzle device on? It could be a fighting dog that got loose or something.

dunno, Snopes hasn't picked it up yet. At this point everyone's treating it as a genuine "sighting" of some sort.

The picture of the one that's in somebodies freezer is being treated as a fox with mange. In this case DNA will easily prove/disprove.

If I had to put money on it I'd say NOT the mythical creature, just a weird vid.

Time will tell :)

I only saw the video once and as I remember it, the dog like animal was running straight down the road. I have never seen a wild animal who would not run for cover through the brush.

Concho Bill, wild animal watcher
Did you not get a good look at his head when he turned? On our hunting property the deer and coyotes may run the dirt roads or head off the side. No patterns.
Al, we have a bunch of fox in the draw behind the house and they ain't near that big or have a head with that shape. I ain't seen a coyote that was that muscular either.
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...the link guys?? I thought only the chupacabra was native to south TX??


Paul, do a search: chupacabra-dewitt county. The sherrif's dept dash board video is there. It was on our Dallas TV news last week.
I looks more like a form of wild dog I've seen in nature videos in different parts of the world, but it certainly doesn't look like any coyote I've ever seen!
I only saw the video once and as I remember it, the dog like animal was running straight down the road. I have never seen a wild animal who would not run for cover through the brush.

Concho Bill, wild animal watcher

Then again, you might see anything in South Texas if you watch long enough.:)

Concho Bill

Then again, you might see anything in South Texas if you watch long enough.:)

Concho Bill

I was sitting in a tri-pod one afternoon and saw two illegals carrying what looked to be a mattress?? They crossed the sendero about 200yds from me & got the glass on them. No water, xtra clothes....just a single size over their heads??

The next morning I walked down to where they had gone in and could only follow tracks for about 15yds it was so thick.....I'm beginning to think the mattress was to soak up all the blood from the south TX prickers taking off all their skin.

THAT one was strange!! I still don't know how they got through that stuff.

Thanks for the linky AL.....mangy hybrid dog / yotee?? They swear the chupacabra is real down this way. In the paper every time some one looses live stock or pet goats.


I sent the video to my daughter in law who is from El Salvador. (Just so I don't hear any remarks, she is an American citizen.) Anyway, the people down there have no doubt that Chupacabras exist, but they also believe a few things that are based in superstition just like most Americans do! So who knows????:confused:
I have yet to see a coyote or fox or a wolf[when I lived in Alaska] that had a muscular build like this animal or ears like this animal. If you look at the build, it looks like the hind end of a pit bull.
A Pit Bull Feral Dog Mates with Coyote= Chupacabra.


Nup, dont think so Glenn, still doesn't account for those wierd ears, or the jaw. The roman nose and power + jaw look a lot like the Tasmanian Tiger, which is no mythical creature, but a prehistoric canine hangover with a nocturnal nature. Chupacabra's may also have a nocturnal nature, hence the night goat sucker tag.
When I worked in the central Australian desserts for Schlumberger, I noticed lots of cat tracks in the sand hills, and the hunter in me wanted to know what was going on. I swept clear bare area's on dunes and next morning looked for tracks. Tracks everywhere, lizards, rodents, insects and lots of cats hunting these others. When I would say to work mates about how many cats lived here, they would say ,Bull, I HAVEN'T SEEN ANY !. Cats are like that ,as are lots of creatures. Know the old saying for every one you see there is a dozen you dont. That applies to rats in the barn as well.
Do you all see my point here, if you are sitting around a camp fire sinking tinnies,or inside watching t.v. or asleep in bed, you have very minimal, to zero chance of spotting chupacabra's
Wouldn't it be cool to have a semi tame one to ride in the back of your'e work truck for security. :eek: Never lock the tool box again. :D
Would you hand me a wrench?

Wouldn't it be cool to have a semi tame one to ride in the back of your'e work truck for security. :eek: Never lock the tool box again. :D

A man who would think of that is only simi tame himself. :)Your tools would be safe around me.:)

Concho Bill
Sorry concho old mate

But you will have to ask someone else for that wrench. :eek:

Hands are bitten off :(
I ain't from Texas but it don't take a rocket scientist to see that this a Javelina! The size of the animal is not known but if you is a PIG! Javelina definately.

That's what I was trying to think of! A dog with the head of a Javelina?

Javelina? I think I dated her in high school!