Chuck Green wins WWCCA VFS Match 9-15-13.


Tim B.
It was another beautiful day to be outdoors in Michigan. Temps 50-60 cloudy.
Great shooting weather. The rain held off. Which has been the norm this year. Most of our matches have been dry. :cool:
Chuck did it again. Came from behind to win. Ed Stevens gave a good showing.
One of our old shooting buddies came out to watch. Ron Robovitsky has been recovering from Cancer. He looked good. Ron said he might be okay to shoot in Dec.
Chuck Green 250-10X
Ed Stevens 250-6X
Tim Bassham 249-6X
Francis Becigneul 246-6X
Butch Limscomb 245-2X
Paul Becigneul 244-4X
Rich Quigley 238-0X.

Special thanks to Wayne for the help in running the match.
Tim B.