Chronograph What to Buy


New member

I am new to the Benchrest shooting scene. I am trying to put together some of the best possible equipment I can. My question is in your opinion is the Oehler chronograph the one to buy? I use a Bata Master now but want to step up to the most accurate crono I can get. Thank you in advance.
I can't say anything bad about the Oehler 35P except they stopped making it... if you can find one new or used buy it...
I have the Beta Master and as far as I am concerned it works just fine for what I need.

been using a PACT for about fifteen years now without a glitch. I did have to buy two new photo cells when my bigg feet got tangled in the cables, but that's my fault. Buddy uses an Ohler 33 or a 35 (the one with three screens), and our readings are virtually identical. But I can set mine up and be ready to shoot in less than ten minutes. I bought the mid line model, and wish I'd bought the better one
The 35P kit is $595!

I bought mine about 15 or 20 years ago... $345. I don't regret it...

as far as other chronos reading the same... they should when they are are getting correct readings.. it is when a slightly off reading due to bullet glint is read, the Oehler will detect that and mark that reading as incorrect... other chronos simply record it, correct or not... you have to understand the concept of why measure the projectile twice to appreciate it...

I bought mine about 15 or 20 years ago... $345. I don't regret it...

as far as other chronos reading the same... they should when they are are getting correct readings.. it is when a slightly off reading due to bullet glint is read, the Oehler will detect that and mark that reading as incorrect... other chronos simply record it, correct or not... you have to understand the concept of why measure the projectile twice to appreciate it...

I guess that is why my current chrono will sometimes spit out a velocity that is not close to the rest of the group. I bought a 35P 3 or 4 years ago and have never gotten around to using it. I think your post will motivate me to take both of them to the range and see how it goes.
Dan Batko

"Where are we going and why am I in this basket?"
I guess that is why my current chrono will sometimes spit out a velocity that is not close to the rest of the group. I bought a 35P 3 or 4 years ago and have never gotten around to using it. I think your post will motivate me to take both of them to the range and see how it goes.
Dan Batko
That is the nice thing about the 35P... you will know if that out of line velocity is correct or an error...
what, if anything is up with Oehler? Are they in trouble $$ or so busy with other production as not to be able to deal with peripheral stuff? Tks
There seems to be some misinformation going around about the Oehler 35P [Proof] chronograph.

Oehler Research, Inc. is right here in Austin. I called them a couple of minutes ago.

The 35P is STILL IN PRODUCTION and they are only HALF WAY THROUGH THE PRODUCTION RUN as of October 1, 2010.

So, if some of you are still interested in that model you still have the opportunity to acquire one.

The gentleman I spoke to told me that since they were being beaten about the head and shoulders so severely over the availability, they decided to keep making them.

Here's the link: