Chinese made lathe - never/ever, he said



I"ve been always avoiding anything made in China, Taiwan, Philipines, etc. but a friend of mine never seem to care where the stuff was made as long as it's cheap.

The other day he got a new lathe made in China. Nothing special, but it still cost him a couple of grand. As he started checking the thing out, it was gettig bit rough and the beds were getting some scratch marks. He started stripping down the thing, desperately searching for the remedy.

When he got so far that he actually took the carriage out of the beds he finally found the problem.


After a day on the phone, the mob where he'd bought it from caved in and offered him a full money refund, if he returns the goods. For him it's more than 560Km one way.

As he said.,,, Live and learn. Never again.

Shoot better
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It was that way when Japan first made things for the world market and the same with Taiwan... but now great products come from both of them... in 20 years China will be making good products but I wouldn't buy any machinery from them for quite some time...
Many of the folks who've dealt with the chicoms say that - to a certain extent - you get what you pay for from them, same as with anyone else. If you're a HF-type seller wanting dirt-cheap retail chain store tools, that's what they'll make for you. If you're someone wanting to sell higher quality goods, it's becoming more available all the time - for a price. My impression, based on a couple of purchases from JET (chicom GH1340W-1 lathe; Taiwanese JTM-2 mill), is that three years ago when I bought my machines, the Taiwanese machines are still superior in overall quality to the chicoms. We had to replace both chucks that came with the lathe, and the single phase 3hp motor lasted barely a year before crapping out. No problems with the mill so far.

Bear in mind that the only machine I'd ever run before buying my own was an old Atlas lathe that was pretty worn when Dad bought it used back in the 1950s. So I have no experience upon which to base a comparison of my JET stuff to old American iron. All I know is that my lathe turns out chambers with very little to no runout, and the mill does pretty much everything I've asked of it. I'd have loved to have been able to find a couple of nice American machines, but there's not much selection to choose from in Western Kansas.

Do they sell Grizzly machinery in Australia?

If they do..isnt that great.. if they don't...pity.
??? No Idea

Do they sell Grizzly machinery in Australia?

If they do..isnt that great.. if they don't...pity.


I have no idea and even if they did and I would need a lathe, I would rather hang around long enough and bought a secondhand Industrial lathe in a good nick. (this is actually what a friend of mine is finally doing right now as we speak, and as he is working out how to get the "bastard of a thing" back)

I have no experience with any Chinese made machinery whatsoever and I'm not going to change that. I rather pay a double price once and have no hassle, than to pay a half the price twice, but that's me.

Shoot better
It was that way when Japan first made things for the world market and the same with Taiwan... but now great products come from both of them... in 20 years China will be making good products but I wouldn't buy any machinery from them for quite some time...

Yup, those little commie bastids will doing quite well in 20 or so years.:D
no they do not and are not going two and thats from grizzly.:confused:

regards tasy_ted

There is a possibility that the same machine is sold around the World under different names. I can't imagine that the trade name "Grizzly" would have any marketing impact anywhere, but America.

Shoot better
It won't surprise me at all if China self-destructs before they ever get to the quality of the Japanese. With the pollution, birth defects, cancer rate etc, things are going to come to a head in a few years and force the Govt to change the way things are done.

There are some good things being made in China and there is some pretty rough junk. Most places will sell you what you can pay for. Grizzly's best stuff does not come from China, but SOME of their Chinese stuff is really pretty good. Look at the gunsmith-specific lathes for example. My neighbor on the other hand bought something cheap and that's exactly what he got- change gears for each thread etc. Motor is noisy rough. Everything in his shop is Chinese. He doesn't seem to care. I'm not that way- I would rather spend to get something good than B**** and moan all the time when trying to use the junky stuff. I avoid HF like it's satan's castle. Everything I have purchased there has broken in short order with the exception of a hydraulic jack.