Chief City Shooters IR 3-gun Pontiac, IL


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Chief City Shooters just north of Pontiac, IL will start their season on May 7th. We shoot a double 3-gun list match on the first Sunday of the month May through September. This club is a long standing IR club which has always shot 3-gun. I am posting here to let shooters know some things have changed for the 2023 season.

Our long standing MD, 2021 and 2022 IR 3-gun list champion JD Pflager, has suffered some health issues. In keeping up with his progress I do know he will be at our first match, but at this time, not as the MD. For the interim, I will MD the matches. I will receive help from the club president and a life member of the club that helped JD and I the last couple of years run the matches there. Administration of the matches should be as good as previous years. From what I understand the new scoring program for IR is very similar to the ARA scoring program. As an ARA MD, I am hoping the changes will be seamless.

New for 2023, we will be shooting on the smaller bench range this year, save for the Illinois State and North Central Regionals the last weekend of July. We will shoot the big range for that weekend. We also will not have 2 club status as far as 2 matches on one day. We will still shoot 2 matches on the first Sunday, but for the points race both matches will only be one club as before it was counted as 2 clubs, club A and club B. This will will be the same nationwide. Also new is the club tournament, which is still the basic 3 card match, but pays double points. Every club can have 2 and ours are scheduled for the first match in June and first match in July. Another change, on the club level, match fees are now regulated by the club and we will no longer have a member and nonmember cost. All clubs should go with this! Penalizing a shooter in his wallet when they have driven, sometimes enduring motel expense, to another club to shoot and support that club is ridicules! Target cost is now $5 per card, member or not. This cost has long been a standard for match fees and in this day and age, a real deal. The State and Regionals will have a higher cost TBD and will be posted later, but will be the same cost for all, member or not.

Also new, I personally will also supply equipment for anyone that want's to try IR 3-gun. I will provide a competitive Sporter and heavy gun, front rest and rear bag, and a spotting scope with bench mount for Sporter class. Shooter needs to supply ammo, stool, and flags. If anyone wants to give it a go, email me First come, first served. I only have one extra setup. This needs to be setup by the shooter before match day. Don't show up and expect the equipment will be there. If no one reserves it, it isn't going in the car for the ride! Both rifles will shoot either Lapua or Eley and both will shoot competitively with a good lot. The heavy rifle is a 2500XS with a Muller 8gr MI barrel smithed by Stiller and stocked in a Lidgard maple stock. It has shot several 250's and really hasn't been campaigned that much since I had it built. Sporter is an older build I just recently acquired. Eck build Hall action 5C/R barrel (either a Broughton or Rock Creek) and a Pippin stock. I shot the Sporter yesterday at my home range and would not want to shoot against it with my primary Sporter!

All of Chief City's information is on the IR50/50 website, which is new. You have to use the drop down/tool bars to get complete match information, but it's very easy to use. My contact information is also there under club info. I prefer email contact as I rarely answer my phone when an unidentified number calls. If you do call, leave a voice mail if I don't answer. I will return all calls and emails. I have had a small amount of success in IR 3-gun and support the class and sanctioning body to my fullest ability. I will also give help to anyone who has questions, or wants to shoot IR 3-gun. IR 3-gun, other than just shooting Sporter class, is the most demanding and fulfilling RFBR shooting there is, IMO.

Chief City has pretty good amenities for a shooter. Definitely not a 'primitive' range. We have a running water indoor restroom, AC equipped clubhouse, adequate parking, and well groomed grounds. We would love to host veteran and new shooters both to our club! I welcome any inquiries on club or IR questions.

Scott A. Albury
Interim IR50/50 MD Chief City Shooters
Thanks Todd, I appreciate your post. We'll have plenty of room if you guys want to come up. The end of July tournament weekend would be more 'bang' for your travel buck. 12 cards in two days. Yards on Saturday and meters on Sunday. Should be a real good time!

Chief City Shooters just north of Pontiac, IL will start their season on May 7th. We shoot a double 3-gun list match on the first Sunday of the month May through September. This club is a long standing IR club which has always shot 3-gun. I am posting here to let shooters know some things have changed for the 2023 season.

Our long standing MD, 2021 and 2022 IR 3-gun list champion JD Pflager, has suffered some health issues. In keeping up with his progress I do know he will be at our first match, but at this time, not as the MD. For the interim, I will MD the matches. I will receive help from the club president and a life member of the club that helped JD and I the last couple of years run the matches there. Administration of the matches should be as good as previous years. From what I understand the new scoring program for IR is very similar to the ARA scoring program. As an ARA MD, I am hoping the changes will be seamless.

New for 2023, we will be shooting on the smaller bench range this year, save for the Illinois State and North Central Regionals the last weekend of July. We will shoot the big range for that weekend. We also will not have 2 club status as far as 2 matches on one day. We will still shoot 2 matches on the first Sunday, but for the points race both matches will only be one club as before it was counted as 2 clubs, club A and club B. This will will be the same nationwide. Also new is the club tournament, which is still the basic 3 card match, but pays double points. Every club can have 2 and ours are scheduled for the first match in June and first match in July. Another change, on the club level, match fees are now regulated by the club and we will no longer have a member and nonmember cost. All clubs should go with this! Penalizing a shooter in his wallet when they have driven, sometimes enduring motel expense, to another club to shoot and support that club is ridicules! Target cost is now $5 per card, member or not. This cost has long been a standard for match fees and in this day and age, a real deal. The State and Regionals will have a higher cost TBD and will be posted later, but will be the same cost for all, member or not.

Also new, I personally will also supply equipment for anyone that want's to try IR 3-gun. I will provide a competitive Sporter and heavy gun, front rest and rear bag, and a spotting scope with bench mount for Sporter class. Shooter needs to supply ammo, stool, and flags. If anyone wants to give it a go, email me First come, first served. I only have one extra setup. This needs to be setup by the shooter before match day. Don't show up and expect the equipment will be there. If no one reserves it, it isn't going in the car for the ride! Both rifles will shoot either Lapua or Eley and both will shoot competitively with a good lot. The heavy rifle is a 2500XS with a Muller 8gr MI barrel smithed by Stiller and stocked in a Lidgard maple stock. It has shot several 250's and really hasn't been campaigned that much since I had it built. Sporter is an older build I just recently acquired. Eck build Hall action 5C/R barrel (either a Broughton or Rock Creek) and a Pippin stock. I shot the Sporter yesterday at my home range and would not want to shoot against it with my primary Sporter!

All of Chief City's information is on the IR50/50 website, which is new. You have to use the drop down/tool bars to get complete match information, but it's very easy to use. My contact information is also there under club info. I prefer email contact as I rarely answer my phone when an unidentified number calls. If you do call, leave a voice mail if I don't answer. I will return all calls and emails. I have had a small amount of success in IR 3-gun and support the class and sanctioning body to my fullest ability. I will also give help to anyone who has questions, or wants to shoot IR 3-gun. IR 3-gun, other than just shooting Sporter class, is the most demanding and fulfilling RFBR shooting there is, IMO.

Chief City has pretty good amenities for a shooter. Definitely not a 'primitive' range. We have a running water indoor restroom, AC equipped clubhouse, adequate parking, and well groomed grounds. We would love to host veteran and new shooters both to our club! I welcome any inquiries on club or IR questions.

Scott A. Albury
Interim IR50/50 MD Chief City Shooters


I am sorry to hear JD is having health issues. He has always been one of the good guys in this sport and has done so much to keep Chief City going. Hope he gets better soon.

It is admirable you are going to pick up the load and keep everything going. I've only shot there twice but I enjoyed each trip.

You are providing an opportunity for anyone wanting to get into RFBR to try some excellent equipment. That is a hard deal to beat. I hope many take you up on your offer.

Everyone that enjoys shooting should have the opportunity to shoot in some "open" country such as Chief City. If you haven't, you are missing out.

Unlimited vs. 3 -gun:

While RFBR Unlimited is the easiest to get started in, and arguably the most accurate, 3-gun is the most complete disciple RFBR has to offer.

Unlimited reduces the shooting process to point of aim (POA) and wind reading with minimal gun handling skills.

3-gun requires handling three different weights of rifles, shooting off sandbags, limits scope magnification in the sporter class, and requires one to find ammo for at least two, and sometimes three rifles.

3-Gun is more of a shooters sport. Let us hope it never dies.

Thank you and your members for stepping up.

Thanks for the kind words Tony. I will get a fresh update on JD today or tomorrow and post. Last update he was progressing very well. I have helped JD the last two seasons with setup/teardown of the range, and a few other odd duties. He and I work well together and love to compete with each other. Seeing him at the club soon will be wonderful.

The equipment offer is an idea I have had for awhile. After picking up the Hall Sporter, and testing it, I knew I had to do it. The other Sporter I have, other than my primary rifle, would have shot well but would have been a PITA to run, especially for someone familiar with shooting UL. Rem/Voelker 581, tiny little loading port, 'old school' tapered Lilja non-tuner barrel, Mike Turner knock-off stock, and slicked up factory trigger. Very much a piece of the evolution of the class, but too much going on to be competitive for one new to Sporter. With the addition of the Hall, if someone takes me up on the offer, the playing field on the equipment side just got a lot better. Scary better. I will most likely shoot the loaner Sporter when not loaned out in some of my own points matches. I was pretty impressed with it the other day.

3-gun is very special. I keep it to 'two' gun, as many do, and shoot the same rifle for both heavy classes. For UL guys that feel the 2-piece rest/bags and lighter rifle are a strike against accuracy and precision, I will leave them with this. Last year I committed to shooting in Wisconsin (ARA UL) on a Saturday and the next day I was scheduled to shoot IR in Pontiac, IL. Not wanting to double pack (and not a lot of room in my smaller SUV) I packed the IR stuff and got several comments before the match at Van Dyne that I was a duck for the plucking shooting a 10.5 rifle in a two piece rest against the full on UL rigs there. I also got a lot of comments after the match.....congratulating me on my win.

I know you most likely won't, but there is plenty of room at Chief City for you the end of July for the double tournament weekend! You cleaned everybody's clock the first time you shot with us, not so much the second time. Best two out of three sir? I'll even side bet with you if you show up!

Best regards........Scott
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Scott, also sorry to hear J.D's had some health issues.
I chuckled a little when I read interim in your post. I hope for J.D's sake alone that works out, but have been an interim as a Treasurer of BRFGA for 7 years!!!! Chief City & IR 3Gun couldn't be in better hands.
I've made note on the end of July, we'll see.
All the best this season,
Thanks Keith, we will have the room if you decide to come out! We lost the 22 bench range this season and we'll shoot the 10 bench range for regular matches. We will be on the 22 bench range for State and Regionals though. I don't know how 'in good hands' everything is going to be, but we are going to give it our all!

I do have an update on JD since my first posting. He is still making good progress. He's been mowing the lawn, driving his pickup, and even shot a week or so ago at his range at the house. I never said anything in detail in my other posts, but JD had 2 strokes between Thanksgiving and Christmas. He had issues with his scope eye, but according to him, they have treated it and he says he can see better out of now than he could the end of last season. I will see him, tentatively, this coming Sunday at the club. Jerry Halcomb, the club president, and myself have a meeting Sunday at the club going over the new program and other details. JD is planning on coming out to the club that day. Jerry and I have been helping JD at the club for the last 2yrs. Besides getting to see him and visit, I am certain his input with some of the changes will be welcome!

I will continue to promote the club during the season and keep everyone updated with JD's progress. Also any changes that may come up.

Thanks again for your post Keith.
Stay safe.......Scott
Next Sunday, double 3-gun list match at Chief City. A week ago I had a meeting with the club president and Jerry Halcomb. JD, was in attendance as well! He's coming along well and is planning on shooting May 7th.

As of now, no one has reserved the equipment I have offered for shooters to try 3-gun. You still have this week to reserve and come shoot with us! I will post here if someone reserves before Sunday. to reserve.

Thanks for looking.........Scott
Okay shooters, upgrade on the 3-gun equipment for shooters to try IR 3-gun. I have made some changes in my Sporter rifles. While the Eck/Hall Sporter was very good after shooting it, it's gone to a new home. In its place will most likely be my primary Sporter, 2500XS, Peightal stock, B&A trigger, Muller 4MI barrel smithed by Voelker, Leupold VX3i 6.5-20x42 EFR target scope. Reserve the setup and come try the most challenging RFBR game going.....IR 3-gun!

Been over a month since I challenged TKH to come shoot with us at the July Illinois State and North Central Regionals IR 3-gun tournaments. No word here from him yet, and the offer from me to put some 'skin' in the game with him still stands if he shows up! Heads up between Tony and I if he will show!! He's shooting now and has won several matches, including the Virginia State IR-UL match prior to the TC weekend at Kettlefoot this last week. Where are you Tony?

The July tournaments are on the 5th weekend of July. A weekend VERY few clubs schedule matches, so scheduling for travelers/locals should be no issue. Accommodations are readably availably in Pontiac, IL for those that want to shoot. Yards on Saturday and meters on Sunday.

Best regards..........Scott
Okay shooters, upgrade on the 3-gun equipment for shooters to try IR 3-gun. I have made some changes in my Sporter rifles. While the Eck/Hall Sporter was very good after shooting it, it's gone to a new home. In its place will most likely be my primary Sporter, 2500XS, Peightal stock, B&A trigger, Muller 4MI barrel smithed by Voelker, Leupold VX3i 6.5-20x42 EFR target scope. Reserve the setup and come try the most challenging RFBR game going.....IR 3-gun!

Been over a month since I challenged TKH to come shoot with us at the July Illinois State and North Central Regionals IR 3-gun tournaments. No word here from him yet, and the offer from me to put some 'skin' in the game with him still stands if he shows up! Heads up between Tony and I if he will show!! He's shooting now and has won several matches, including the Virginia State IR-UL match prior to the TC weekend at Kettlefoot this last week. Where are you Tony?

The July tournaments are on the 5th weekend of July. A weekend VERY few clubs schedule matches, so scheduling for travelers/locals should be no issue. Accommodations are readably availably in Pontiac, IL for those that want to shoot. Yards on Saturday and meters on Sunday.

Best regards..........Scott


Sounds like you are calling me out. Before I commit, let me make sure I understand the challenge.

To win I don't have to beat everybody, just you. Is that right?

How about throwing in a 3 card IR 50/50 10 shot State sporter match that weekend? More points for everyone and it would add to the challenge.

The challenge includes the total agg. overall targets shot, is that right. (just you and me).

There could also be a pot established for what we could call Champions of Champions. That would be the overall winner all matches considered. Maybe some other shooters would like to show up and shoot for this pot!

This could get interesting!!!

I'm looking for a way to get to Pontiac without going too close to Chi town or Gary Ind.


Sounds like you are calling me out. Before I commit, let me make sure I understand the challenge.

To win I don't have to beat everybody, just you. Is that right?

How about throwing in a 3 card IR 50/50 10 shot State sporter match that weekend? More points for everyone and it would add to the challenge.

The challenge includes the total agg. overall targets shot, is that right. (just you and me).

There could also be a pot established for what we could call Champions of Champions. That would be the overall winner all matches considered. Maybe some other shooters would like to show up and shoot for this pot!

This could get interesting!!!

I'm looking for a way to get to Pontiac without going too close to Chi town or Gary Ind.


Oh yes, I am calling you out! I did so in post #5 of this thread. You are also correct about only having to beat me for the side bets. A challenge that has the odds heavily in your favor!

I have never shot 10 shot, although I am intrigued by it. Unfortunately, the usual players out here have no interest in it. I know you and Bruce have both talked to me about how fun and challenging it is, but I have quite a bit on my plate already. Perhaps I will venture out east and shoot it there in the future. While a good idea, I also have to 'play to our audience' at Chief City. I think you understand that.

The side pot including anyone wanting to participate is an excellent idea! I know at least one shooter who will not shoot a money thing, but I am certain there will be some participation.

I Google mapped the routes from your hometown and there is a route without the crap of the south side, but it does involve some highway (not interstate) driving. I took this option when I was traveling more for ARA. Wabash, IN took me through the same area you want to avoid, so I started taking a US Hwy route. Yes it took a little longer, but much less stressful. The route I saw this morning for you is 10 miles shorter, but 40 minutes longer.

Let me know what your thoughts are.

Best regards,
Oh yes, I am calling you out! I did so in post #5 of this thread. You are also correct about only having to beat me for the side bets. A challenge that has the odds heavily in your favor!

I have never shot 10 shot, although I am intrigued by it. Unfortunately, the usual players out here have no interest in it. I know you and Bruce have both talked to me about how fun and challenging it is, but I have quite a bit on my plate already. Perhaps I will venture out east and shoot it there in the future. While a good idea, I also have to 'play to our audience' at Chief City. I think you understand that.

The side pot including anyone wanting to participate is an excellent idea! I know at least one shooter who will not shoot a money thing, but I am certain there will be some participation.

I Google mapped the routes from your hometown and there is a route without the crap of the south side, but it does involve some highway (not interstate) driving. I took this option when I was traveling more for ARA. Wabash, IN took me through the same area you want to avoid, so I started taking a US Hwy route. Yes it took a little longer, but much less stressful. The route I saw this morning for you is 10 miles shorter, but 40 minutes longer.

Let me know what your thoughts are.

Best regards,


I can understand if one has never shot 10 shot, they can't understand how it is the most fun RFBR game. It requires the accuracy of PSL but has a much harsher scoring system.

It is possible to shoot a normal IR 50/50, 250 (all 10s) and not score a single 10 shot point. Not very likely, but it could happen.

In 10 shot you hit the dot for 4 points and take the dot out for 6 points. You don't even want to know what you have to do to get a 10.

You mentioned that I have some type of an advantage. I really don't want that. If I win, I want to beat the best on their best day.

I know unlimited is more your game so maybe you could put in an IR 50/50 Unlimited State match that weekend. It would only take 1.5 hrs. Just three cards.

I've noticed you have said on several sites that I did well on my first trip to Chief City but the "wind got up" on my second trip and I didn't do so well. Kinda indicated I got my butt handed to me. You even said this could be the best two out of three for me at Chief City.

That got me to thinking because I didn't remember it that way. Now I have checked it and you are right. I won 12 plaques the first trip and only 11 the second trip including shooting an IR 50/50 record that still stands today.

Take a look at these pics.


That was the 2018 visit.

This is the 2019 visit:


Could it be that there were less plaques to win in 2019?

How many plaques will there be in 2023?

Yea, I know I may not win any of them but it would be nice to know what I'm shooting for!

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I can understand if one has never shot 10 shot, they can't understand how it is the most fun RFBR game. It requires the accuracy of PSL but has a much harsher scoring system.

It is possible to shoot a normal IR 50/50, 250 (all 10s) and not score a single 10 shot point. Not very likely, but it could happen.

In 10 shot you hit the dot for 4 points and take the dot out for 6 points. You don't even want to know what you have to do to get a 10.

You mentioned that I have some type of an advantage. I really don't want that. If I win, I want to beat the best on their best day.

I know unlimited is more your game so maybe you could put in an IR 50/50 Unlimited State match that weekend. It would only take 1.5 hrs. Just three cards.

I've noticed you have said on several sites that I did well on my first trip to Chief City but the "wind got up" on my second trip and I didn't do so well. Kinda indicated I got my butt handed to me. You even said this could be the best two out of three for me at Chief City.

That got me to thinking because I didn't remember it that way. Now I have checked it and you are right. I won 12 plaques the first trip and only 11 the second trip including shooting an IR 50/50 record that still stands today.

Take a look at these pics.

View attachment 26010View attachment 26011View attachment 26012

That was the 2018 visit.

This is the 2019 visit:

View attachment 26013View attachment 26014

Could it be that there were less plaques to win in 2019?

How many plaques will there be in 2023?

Yea, I know I may not win any of them but it would be nice to know what I'm shooting for!


Here's the deal Tony. Myself (and many others) would like to see you at Pontiac the end of July. So much so, I have personally put in for the challenge with my own funds. Having the current HOF leader in the sanctioning body shoot our State and Regional tournaments is good for the club, the sanctioning body, and most of all......3-gun. You have said in the past 3-gun is slowly going away, which we both feel diminishes the game.

As for me being primarily an Unlimited shooter, that has some truth, but is NOT all encompassing by any stretch. In 2021 I made a run at the ARA A-Line, with a goal in mind, which I achieved. I did miss a few 3-gun matches because of that. The rest of the years I have shot three 3-gun matches a month and I typically don't shoot any IR UL. For me, IR is 3-gun and Sporter.

As for plaques (there were the same number both years you shot with us) we have a new situation. Last year Chief City was in the red. IR there was not, but participation has fallen off. I have spoken with the club president, JD Pflager, and Jerry Halcomb (who helps me with the matches) and we decided together that awards would be cut down in an effort to help the club start showing a profit again. 25 medals and 4 plaques will be awarded, that's it. I have a bunch of plaques and medals from Chief City (and other clubs) and many are still in the plastic. Small plaques and medals won't help your travel expense, or your points accumulation. Beating my butt on all 4 tournaments will though! All 'ya got to do is show up and shoot.

Another interesting fact, the locals will not have the advantage of match shooting the range before the tournaments. As part of trying to get more participation and increase revenue, the club has brought in a new sanctioning body, N50. That forced IR off the big range and over to the 10 bench range. Being the 5th weekend of the month, we do have the big range for the tournaments, but lets say we will be a little rusty over there, unlike prior years. There's points to be had (and camaraderie!) at Chief City, and being a 5th weekend event, fewer options for both at other clubs.

At this time, I am not going to change the former format of the tournament weekend. The pool idea is very doable though. I am certain you have a desire to help 3-gun and Sporter hang on. Your participation at a State and Regional IR 3-gun weekend certainly couldn't hurt that desire, and hopefully will generate better participation from others as well. I am working hard to increase our numbers at Chief City. So much so, I put my money where my mouth is!

Your turn.........Scott
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Here's the deal Tony. Myself (and many others) would like to see you at Pontiac the end of July. So much so, I have personally put in for the challenge with my own funds. Having the current HOF leader in the sanctioning body shoot our State and Regional tournaments is good for the club, the sanctioning body, and most of all......3-gun. You have said in the past 3-gun is slowly going away, which we both feel diminishes the game.

As for me being primarily an Unlimited shooter, that has some truth, but is NOT all encompassing by any stretch. In 2021 I made a run at the ARA A-Line, with a goal in mind, which I achieved. I did miss a few 3-gun matches because of that. The rest of the years I have shot three 3-gun matches a month and I typically don't shoot any IR UL. For me, IR is 3-gun and Sporter.

As for plaques (there were the same number both years you shot with us) we have a new situation. Last year Chief City was in the red. IR there was not, but participation has fallen off. I have spoken with the club president, JD Pflager, and Jerry Halcomb (who helps me with the matches) and we decided together that awards would be cut down in an effort to help the club start showing a profit again. 25 medals and 4 plaques will be awarded, that's it. I have a bunch of plaques and medals from Chief City (and other clubs) and many are still in the plastic. Small plaques and medals won't help your travel expense, or your points accumulation. Beating my butt on all 4 tournaments will though! All 'ya got to do is show up and shoot.

Another interesting fact, the locals will not have the advantage of match shooting the range before the tournaments. As part of trying to get more participation and increase revenue, the club has brought in a new sanctioning body, N50. That forced IR off the big range and over to the 10 bench range. Being the 5th weekend of the month, we do have the big range for the tournaments, but lets say we will be a little rusty over there, unlike prior years. There's points to be had (and camaraderie!) at Chief City, and being a 5th weekend event, fewer options for both at other clubs.

At this time, I am not going to change the former format of the tournament weekend. The pool idea is very doable though. I am certain you have a desire to help 3-gun and Sporter hang on. Your participation at a State and Regional IR 3-gun weekend certainly couldn't hurt that desire, and hopefully will generate better participation from others as well. I am working hard to increase our numbers at Chief City. So much so, I put my money where my mouth is!

Your turn.........Scott

I certainly applaud your efforts to keep 3 - gun going at Chief City.
Maybe we are dinosaurs and are pushing on a rope.
I can’t get anyone from here to make that nearly 20 hour drive there and back so I would have to come alone.
Can I get you to commit to coming to our Pa State 3 gun tournament at Mckeesport? It will be in September?

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I certainly applaud your efforts to keep 3 - gun going at Chief City.
Maybe we are dinosaurs and are pushing on a rope.
I can’t get anyone from here to make that nearly 20 hour drive there and back so I would have to come alone.
Can I get you to commit to coming to our Pa State 3 gun tournament at Mckeesport? It will be in September?


I would love to do that, but I can not commit to the above. I worked hard to get my Aug and Sept dates at Pontiac changed to accommodate the shooters at Pontiac, and Voelker's club in Iowa. We have several crossover shooters (shooting both IR and ARA) and Pontiac dates conflicted with both the ARA Outdoor Nationals, and since the IR Outdoor Nationals have been moved from Sept to Aug, our schedule conflicted with that as well. I had, basically, no good choices on dates. I could have canceled those matches, robbing shooters of possible points accumulation for the 'new deal' State and Club Champions. I could have left the dates as they were, and run the matches, excluding me from going to either National and possibly hurting participation at those matches for competitors that choose the Nationals over a total of 4 club matches. My goal is to increase participation for 3-gun and Chief City as well. I took the only route that made sense to get the best out of the situation, Aug and Sept match start time of 1:00pm later in the month. It wasn't that popular with the regulars, but they did understand the situation. As a MD for both sanctioning bodies, I do feel a commitment to attend their Nationals.

Since my last post here, I have been soliciting shooters. Several were hoping you would be there to compete against. Let's face it, since you have cut back on travel, not as many people have the opportunity to shoot with the current leader of IR HOF points. Plus you are still very competitive and it's an extra challenge to shoot against someone with your pedigree. Believe me, I know a lot about traveling by yourself. It has good points, and bad as well. For several years I drove to AZ by myself to visit a cousin there, but also to shoot there and test at Lapua in Mesa. 2-1/2 days one way.

I have pretty much laid as much on the line as I can. If you can make it, myself and many others would enjoy shooting with you. If you decide to not come, the sun will still rise tomorrow. All I ask after you think about it for a bit is give me a courtesy call (you should have my #, I have yours), text, or email telling me of your plans. Or, just post here. There are several people who are following this thread who want to know too. I have to plan lunch arrangements for that weekend and knowing how many will attend is very helpful for that planning.

Best regards,