Cheek contact with the stock



Ok let me first say. I'm new to this sport. And I'm not trying to start trouble. But I'm a little confused about why all the pictures I see of matches. No one is in contact with there rimfire stock. Only there trigger finger comes into play. And most of all the rests are one piece. I was raised to shoot with the stock to my shoulder,arm under the stock at the bag. Divorce my trigger finger from the rest of my body, exhale, hold and shoot. Part of the reason I ask this question is. I was a little,no make that real confused at all the different style of stocks out there. I'm use to the pistol type rifle stock. I do understand the benifit of only having to use my trigger finger. Takes almost all the human error out of it. And really only forces me to read my wind flags. So this style of shooting I'm seeing on the websites of past rimfire matches is exceptable/legal? Jeff
we normally shoot free recoil. any contact with the rifle other than the trigger plays into everything. in most types of matches i believe a one piece rest can only be used in unlimited classes. i could be wrong.

i myself replaced all my rings this year with off set rings to help keep my cheek of the stock.
Jeff, that is a 40x the same as you have. take notice how the comb and toe have been re-shaped. those 40x were made for 3 posistion the comb is very high and to shoot bench i take about .100 to .150 off the comb and straighten out the rake and toe area
that is one of the older 722 take notice how the hand rail has been filed smooth. might not show up real well but the sides are recontoured and a flat is forward of the hand rail. when done properly you can shoot free recoil. those rifles ride a fudd top and protekter bags real well now. I even do that to the ones I shoot peeps.
compare those to yours they all have been recontoured. the ones shooting scoped and benched more so.
two more just be carefull these have cracks you can only re-work so much
Jeff you can check in with tom c in a week or so and ask him how this rides
Tom c recognise this? jeff is going to need some pointers on tuning.
Hey Wisconsin

Hopefully, you have a real benchrest stock with a 3" FLAT forend.(unlike those pictured above) If so, it will ride the bags or one piece rest consistently. I agree the only thing that should touch the gun is your trigger finger.(free recoil) This is legal in all rimfire benchrest disciplines; and with practice you will feel comfortable with shooting in this fashion. My suggestion is that you have a 2 ounce or lighter trigger so you don't pull the rifle off target while pulling the trigger. Good luck. Fred
well cadilack jack he doesn't, that's why their up there. you see he's been talking to a real person the past several months that went from cmp purchase ammo, tuner. not some jerks that tries like crazy to drive new guys away.
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You're being kinda rough on friend cadillacjack. He gave the guy a good answer, and never tried to run anyone away. You might ought to start reading some of your own posts. Nice pictures of old wood though.
actually cadillac that's got a canjar adjusted to 6-6.5 ozs.
very crisp i'm happy with it. i have a plate to put on it if it
doesn't ride ok. thanks. and kent that's the one i worked on
the firing pin. and no it's not broke, never had a problem with
it or the 700 tools, i'll look next time. something gene davis told me to
make sure of, was that the pin is secured in the body good.
welded or soldered. i looked at it again and it had been, you
could see where a little slag had been ground off at the base.
i called dave kiff and he said he does secure them like that.
and marty thanks for all the help cleaning up these old 40x's
and getting them set up and tuned, i appreciate it. hope to see
you at the matchs this year. tom.
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Martin I can't view your pictures here. They must be photobucket. I will try and view them at home this weekend. Jeff
Martin is right he has been helping me with my CMP 40X. But in all fairness cadillacjack could not of know that. I should have included that info. in my posted questions. Its very kind of both of you to take time to help me. Thanks. Jeff
You're being kinda rough on friend cadillacjack. He gave the guy a good answer, and never tried to run anyone away. You might ought to start reading some of your own posts. Nice pictures of old wood though.

Kent thanks, as far as my posts I decided to stay and not tolerate the berating . seems to me most new guys leave after one or two posts just leave. all of the attacking started when I said calffe is wrong on his tuning. just this week alone there have been one post on wallys forum and one post on this forum where shooters said they are using 3 speeds to tune and not one peep from all the guys that attacked me, not one peep.
Maybe those guys knew what they were talking about. You've been told before, we don't mind new guys, they are welcomed and helped any way we can. It's the new guys that try tell everyone how to do it that catch the heat.