Checking for stress free bedding?



What's the proper way to check for stress in an action after bedding it? some say to situate the rifle barrel down, some say up? And which screw do you loosen to check? Is there a certain torque you use on the other screw?
checking for stress in bedding

I mount a indicator mount on the barrel with the indicator on the bottom of the forearm. With the rifle in a vertical position ,you can move the rifle about 5 degrees off vertical without movement any more and you get some movement in the indicator. I start by releasing the bottom screw and look for movement in the indicator,then with the bottom screw tight I release the top/front screw and check for movement. I check for less then .001 movement on a match gun and less than .003 on a hunting gun. I have seen this done in a horz. position but to my way of thinking gravity has its effect this way.. You have to figure if the barrel and stock are spring to gether or away from each other to figure if the action is bowing up or down so you know what to do to fix the problem. owlshop