Check out

IIRC, Palmisano/Pindell had the intellectual property rights to "PPC" Trademark, or some such. Someone might be infringing with that domain name . . .
I don't think it works that way with a domain name Charles. There was a time where people were buying up all sorts of domain names and then selling them to the companies who'd fell asleep at the wheel. I remember one in particular was Creative Labs (sound cards) and their website was ??? They didn't want to pay for "" or "", or whatever. Since, they must have gotten it cause is gone. Btw, creaf is their listing on the Nasdaq
There was a time where people were buying up all sorts of domain names and then selling them to the companies who'd fell asleep at the wheel.

It's still going on. If you let your dues expire, these crooks will snatch it up and make you pay them to use it after that. I noticed a lot of folks in the firearms industry got caught in that scam.

Just beware if you have a web site.