I've bought several items from CDCO over the past few months, and all but one of the QC toolholders were just fine. The toolholder in question must have a slightly oversized dovetail, because I have to rotate the toolpost handle a lot farther around to lock the wedge on this one. It winds up with the toolpost locking handle at 8:00, or pointed towards the headstock, instead of back at 4:00 where all the other holders index. It's still usable, but I don't like having that handle anywhere close to a spinning chuck.
I'm pretty sure - based on posts on other machinist's websites - that CDCO would replace this holder if I'd send it back with a note explaining the problem. If I do return it, I think I'll take that route instead of trying to explain verbally over the phone what the problem is. I've seen guys who'll machine their own QC holders, but honestly, at these prices, it's hardly worth it unless you're hard up for something to do on your mill.