Charles Green wins WWCCA 100/200Y. Score Match.


Tim B.
It was a Hot summer day at Plymouth, MI. WWCCA held a 100/200y. Score match on Sat.
We had some computer issues. Sorry about the late post.
The morning was mostly a trigger pull contest. Ed Stevens got most of his bulls eyes in the morning. Joe Krupa was right behind.
Winds picked up after lunch. The mirage was pretty heavy. Chuck Green was steady all day.
100y. results.
Ed Stevens 250-23X
Larry Feusse 250-16X
Tim Bassham 250-8X

200y. results.
Joe Krupa 250-14X
Chuck Green 249-8X
Dom. Grunas 249-2X

Grand Agg.
Chuck Green 498-26X
Tim Bassham 498-11X
Dom. Grunas 498-10X
Joe Krupa 497-25X
Ed Stevens 496-30X
Larry Feusse 492-20X
Rich Quigley 485-14X
Butch Limscomb 478-7X.

Special thanks to Wayne and Dom. for the help in running the match.
Great Shooting Chuck.

Chuck shot steady all day. Congratulations.

Tim was kind in saying I was "right behind". At 100 yards the only guy I beat was the first-timer shooting a factory Savage .223; and that was a close race. I think there is a ".30-caliber conspiracy" out there in that any time I shoot a .30 BR it is a trainwreck. Other shooters were blasting the middle out of the target at 100 yards and I was just hoping to hit the target with my .30.

I learned two things shooting that .30 BR: 1) You have to hold on to those things. I was stopping the recoil with my face. 2) As much as one may be led to believe that they are easy to tune, you still need to tune them! I attepted to pre-load with 34.0 grs. of H4198 and very good bullets, and it looked to me that it was extremely wind-sensitive.

I got "healthy" again at 200 yards when I brought out my 6PPC HV and it started to look like what a competitive gun should look like. Larry Feusse told me after the morning match that I shoot okay enough with the six that I should never even try to mess with those .30 monstors again. I can see a fire sale of .30 BR stuff coming down the line quickly.

Thanks to Tim, Dom and Wayne for putting on a nice match. WWCCA will hold another 100-yard / 200-yard score match on August 17th. (I'm going to shoot my PPC at that one and try to give that guy with the .223 Savage a run for his money.)
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Thanks to all the shooters at the Match this weekend, for making me feel welcome and all the information passed on to me. I plan to be at the next Match but with a 6PPC so, fear the new guy with the .223 last weekend. HaHa! Thanks Again