I'd guessed (wrongly, it seems) that AL would collapse under the load. My plan is to stretch the barrel to a measured length, snug everything up and remove the tension.
Well, you can collapse the thinner aluminum tubing. I'd suggest that might be too much tension, though. Early on, with a rail gun (1/2" wall aluminum), I heated some things up to get a lot of tension -- never computed, just "a lot." Talk about nice patterns...
a.JR reports with his (aluminum tube) that as long as there is some tension after it gets warm from 10 quick shots, it seem to work. Don Neilson reported that with his steel tubing (used in a PPC), he needed to use a fair bet of tension -- IIRC, about 40 ft pounds on a torque wrench (using a cap instead of multiple jacking screws). Might be that's too much for thin-walled aluminum.
Another guy, with a 1K HG (no weigh limit), didn't use tension at all, but rather screws through the end cap to secure the barrel's muzzle -- just like a spider for a lathe. It shot very well, too, and same characteristic group shape as a well-done tensoned/compressed barrel.
All this led me to speculate that the phenomena we're after is to get the barrel closer to a double-cantilevered beam. In passing, we also get pretty close to Calfee's "stopped muzzle." Any way you get there, tension, compression, or restraint, seems to work. Likely one way works better, and likely there is an optimum value, but nobody's done the work yet.
Greg Tannel, who used a set of jacking bolts, also reported you could tune the setup by adjusting individual screws. In this case, I believe "tuning" was for group size rather than group shape. It's been a while, and it was a telephone conversation, so I might be miss-remembering.
Be careful. If you get positive results, you might have opened a study that will take the rest of your life...
I'll happily PM you my loads if you wish.
Yes, please, I'll be careful. If I recall, the .338 RUM has a little less capacity than the .338/404. And the blown out .338 Lapua has more. You once mentioned you'd found a fairly light load with Retumbo that shot well in your improved .338L.