

New member
I loaded 135 rounds this morning for the match tomorrow at Blue Grass Sportsmans League.

It threw .1 grain short one time. The rest were dead on. I'm shooting N120, though, and it meters very well.

It sure makes short work of loading. By the time I've got the bullet seated, the next charge is ready. The few times it's not, I get to take a sip of soda :) .


Greg J.
Greg ...

Try TWO alternating, for a really fast setup. I've seen Jerry Hensler do that at the range. They're NICE machines! :)
I keep two set up for my match loading. Sheww! Too much for me to keep up with by I con a friend into helping me load my ammo up a day or so before the match. He's there like clockwork. That's a pretty good friend for ya there.---Mike Ezell:)